[center] [hider=Jennifer Teller] [h2][color=0072bc]Jennifer Teller[/color][/h2] [img]http://cdn-img.instyle.com/sites/default/files/styles/480xflex/public/images/2015/09/091515-alexis-bledel-1.jpg?itok=gGjuY7cq[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, Helicopter [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: [b][color=A280FF]Lisa[/color][/b], [b][color=00FF1E]Amado[/color][/b] - [@AbandonedIntel] [/hider][/center] Now only holding two pizza boxes, Jenny found it was much easier to hold the food in one hand. So she did so, grabbed her suitcase, and made her way into the helicopter, taking the empty seat next to the masked guy, Mercury. She then began talking to herself. [color=0072bc]"Oh man, I can't wait to tell Kelsie about this! Wait, can I tell her? Do I have to keep this a secret? Am I not aloud to tell anyone?" [/color] she then immediately stopped talking and began snoring. Just like that.