Elle took a step back as Nilovas began to battle the imperial, not wanting to get in the way and risk the possibility of being stabbed or slashed. Ralof seemed to have everything under control too. Well, so much for contributing to the group. Now she was just the sassy awkward one. Well, she felt that way until Nil started to stagger blindly. She jumped forward and used her axe to deflect a blow the soldier tried to land on his head, having a short face off of strength with the imperial but failing because she wasn't nearly as strong as he way. Frustrated, he used his free hand to roughly thrust her aside rather unceremoniously and began attacking Nil again. Elle nearly lost her footing, but now her face was hot with indignance. Who did this guy think he was? She was about to attack again but had to jump back when Nil fried the guy alive, the soldier yelling painfully and collapsing to the ground. The air now smelled of burnt flesh and it was not a pleasant smell. Ralof had also struck down the man he was fighting and put away his weapon. Elle wrinkled her nose as she gingerly stepped over the carcass to search what appeared to be a storeroom, heaven knew she needed the supplies, but she had to be quick. She took some food and was happy to find a few potions. She went to join Ralof by the opposite door, but paused the imperial that he had been fighting. She discarded her axe to replace it with the fallen's sword, tucking it under her belt at her side. Hopefully if they ran into anymore trouble, she would be able to do more then land a few petty blows. She wasn't strong enough to wield an axe. ( [s]lmao oops[/s] )