Raine blinked slightly in surprise as her final remark caused Flake to erupt into a fit of over exaggerated laughter that caused him to fall out of his seat. For a moment, the assassin truly wondered if he was on some type of drug or medication, but simply figured that Flake had a few bolts loose in his head; or his surroundings were starting to affect him in more ways than one. By the time he recovered from his random laughing fit, Raine's facial expression had returned to normal and she silently listened to what else he had to say. The girl mentally stored his instructions before shaking her head slowly. "No, but I do have a request: Call me Misti from now on. My old name is getting old." Raine said in response to his earlier statement and picked up the money bag then stood from the booth. "See you later, Flake." And with that, Raine exited the tavern, avoiding any more confrontation--and flying knives--as she did so. When she got outside, Raine exhaled deeply and titled her head back slightly in order to get a better look at the setting sun in front of her. The sky was like a painter’s canvas that had been splattered in multiple shades of red, yellow and orange and, for a moment, she was completely transfixed by the scene. Raine quickly snapped out of it though as she reminded herself that she was no longer alone on her farm. There were people around that could try to jump her yet again, especially since it was beginning to get dark. Sighing a bit to herself, she made sure that the money bag was still safely secured in her shoulder bag before heading down the street, hoping that she would eventually find an inn. At first, Raine had no luck in finding an inn and usually got mean glares and harsh responses when she asked for help. Not only that, but she had to knock out one man after he tried to feel her up. [I]Geeze, what kind of town does Flake live in?[/i] She wondered to herself as she stepped over his unconscious body, rubbing her knuckles slightly as she did so. Glancing around, Raine could online see a few homes, some abandoned buildings and the occasional begger that happened to walk by. Noticing this, the girl was about to take refuge in an alley way for the night until a large sign with the name: Milly’s Inn caught her attention. After seeing that, Raine nearly ran over to the Inn and walked inside. Milly’s Inn was a rather small building that only had two floors and consisted of a total of only twelve rooms, one dining area and one lounging area that management had managed to squeeze into one corner. Both the lounging and dinner areas were decorated with carefully crafted, handmade furniture that was smooth to the touch. There were also a few vases of flowers placed here and there, giving the area a warm and welcoming feeling. Looking ahead, Raine noticed a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties standing behind the front desk. One had rested on her swollen belly while the other was busy gesturing for her to come over. “Welcome to Milly’s Inn! I’m sure you’re exhausted after your travels. Please, stay here.” The woman said with a friendly smile and Raine couldn’t help but to say yes to her. After paying a reasonable price for a room, Raine took the key upstairs to Room #5 and unlocked the door. The room was small yet comfortable and consisted of a single bed, a dresser and a sink and mirror set to wash up with. “Well, it’s better than sleeping on the forest floor.” The assassin mumbled to herself and made sure that she locked the door behind her before walking over to the bed and practically collapsing on it. It didn’t take her long to drift off into a dreamless sleep. When Raine finally lifted her head from the pillow the next morning, she realized that she still needed to get new armor before meeting up with Flake. With that thought in mind, she dragged herself from the bed and over to the sink to wash up a bit before heading out the room. Soon the girl could be seen walking down the street, munching on a biscuit that she’d gotten from the dining room of the inn before she left. Her hood was pulled over her head, even though it was nice and comfortable outside and she held her head down, as if she did not want to be bothered with anyone but Raine still managed to get some information out of someone when she asked them where the nearest armory was. Apparently, she would have to walk all the way to the shopping district, which was located west of where she currently was. Raine had no idea how long that walk would take, so she figured that she better get moving if she wanted to meet Flake at the appropriate time. So she popped the rest of her biscuit into her mouth and took off in a light job. As she made her way through the various streets, Raine noticed the change in scenery the closer she got to the shopping district. The abandoned wooden homes were replaced with splendid stone structures that seemed to glimmer in the morning sunlight. Dirt roads were replaced with polished stone that were so clean that Raine was almost scared to step on them. Looking around, she noticed that the people were different too. The women held their heads up high underneath their gigantic hats that seemed that provide shade for everyone in a one mile radius. Their elegant dresses just barely scrapped the ground as they walked and their high heels clattered rhythmically as the strolled along the roads. The men, dressed in freshly ironed suits, carried suitcases filled with what Raine assumed to be important paper work and occasionally tipped their own hats to the ladies in dress. After seeing this, the assassin couldn’t help but to feel out of place. Shaking the thought away, she began to look around for the armory until she spotted a tax collection stand, one that looked very familiar to the one that Flake had described. Even though it was early in the morning, the man overseeing the stand seemed to be somewhat alert to what was going on around him. [i]This must be the guy Flake was talking about…[/i] Raine thought with a frown and quickly thought of a way to get this man by himself so she could question him thoroughly. Eventually, she came up with an idea and used the alleyway behind him in order to silently sneak up behind him. “Don’t say anything and I won’t stab you.” She muttered to him and she pressed the tip of her dagger in the area right behind his heart. It was clear that Raine wasn’t playing games, even if she was a head or two shorter than the man. “Just slowly back up into this alley here so I can get this over with.” If he made any attempt to resist, Raine would stab him, and she was pretty sure that he was aware of that as well. Once he finally obey her instructions, she led him in the alley where she quickly shoved the big bulk of a man against the wall and pointed her dagger directly at his neck. “Tell me what you know about Rinjuko.” Raine demanded in an icy tone.