"This function is monotone -" [i]Your voice is monotone...[/i] " - furthermore strictly increasing because - " Maia had stopped listening a while ago and had begun drawing stick figures on her notepad. Sitting next to the door she was a bit discontented because she couldn't look outside. There was no other subject May disliked more than maths. It was not because it was too complicated (she only failed a test once), but because Mrs. Torrance was the only teacher that had made Maia fall asleep during classes. History on the other hand was a subject where she excelled, her marks surpassed by none of her classmates. She wondered if Mr. Evans would be teaching them again this year - when she suddenly heard a hardly perceptible sound, coming from the hallway. It sounded strange, as if something heavy had been torn apart. May took a look at her fellow pupils, but none of them seemed to have noticed. Without reflecting on it Maia stood up. "Mrs. Torrance I don't feel so well, could I please go outside for a moment?" The old woman looked slightly bemused but she permitted it. "You don't look so well indeed. Get some fresh air, dear child. You are excused from this period." May thanked her. Then she left the room and started approaching the noise source.