[@Alisdragon911][@Continuum] Tic had been watching Doorman's little episode with interest and amusement, he hadn't seen him look like that since he'd been told he was getting cut off from the bar before last call all those years ago. [i]"Sir, how do I calm your cowboy friend down?"[/i] the worried voice of the bar tender pulled Tic's attention away from the rattled runner, Tic shifted uncomfortably in his chair; he actually never had to calm Doorman down before. [color=716cb1]"Ummm not quite sure, but you didn't look too far off the mark with the drink"[/color] Tic lightly took off from his chair and placed it in the other hand of the panicked dead-eye. [i]"Calm down, take a sip or two from your glass. I can find out which dimension we are in now but just enjoy your drink for now."[/i] the way she said dimension that time gave Tic the impression that she seriously believed they were hurling through dimensions. Tic slowly descended towards the floor as he processed what he had just been told, by the look of door man she must have mentioned it earlier. Now shaking a little himself he looked longingly back up to the drink he had relinquished to Doorman and now wished he hadn't. Taking a deep breath Tic tried to make it back over to the bar to order another drink fast, however he only made it halfway when it all hit him. The excess of powerful mages, the pig man, the chest, and the door that seeming repaired itself when he wasn't looking. Unlike Doorman he didn't fall into a fit of panic he just stood there dumbfounded.