Alex in most cases would've laughed at Kirin in the face with what was going on, but after what he had just saw laughing was the furthest thing from his mind. Alex just shook his head and said, "I wonder what carrier that uses? Probably has a better calling plan than me." As he looked around Alex was growing frustrated because while he had pictures he had nothing to send them with, and if he called his dad with this story his dad's reaction would be less than serene and probably end up with his parents thinking an intervention was needed. Alex said, "I'd give up my entire 'Batman' comic collection right now for a lap-top with a wireless connection. I could upload the pictures and send them to Mrs. B and my dad." Alex began searching for other chemicals as well to mix. He was far from a scientific mind, but having been in enough darkrooms in his lifetime Alex knew what chemicals mixed just right could make things very unpleasant. Alex said, "I got nothing so far that I'm familiar with." He was starting to get more and more concerned as he was looking in another part of the lab and said, "Except I have the faint hope that someone will show up out of nowhere with a thick Austrian accent and say, 'Come with me if you want to live.' Where the hell is campus security after all that noise? You shoot one spit wad in the hall and there's a herd of them all over ya. Robocop shows up and there isn't any of them within 100 yards of us."