It was early in the morning when Germaine finally awoke in his designated hospital bed - his head was banging and his entire body ached with pain; even opening his eyes was a struggle, the first sight though was hardly pretty, nor was the realisation that hit him of what had happened last night. Germaine looked at his aching body in disbelief, it was in a set of pyjama like clothing, and after inspecting his body itself he was covered in a network of bandages. The bed had spots of dried blood dashed on it; clearly the Nurses had no wish to wake the beast from it's slumber when they dressed his wounds - many of which had healed and scarred over already, as they were mere gashes or cuts that barely broke the skin. However there were an equal amount of grievous wounds over his body - they still hurt something special. As he looked around the room a voice broke the relative silence he was in - clearly he was far removed from many of the other patients here in the hospital as barely a sound could be heard from the rest of the building. "Welcome back to the world of the living - although, I honestly think it would have been better and easier for you had you not came back." The voice was stern and filled with caution, as well as a slight undertone of fear. The voice came from a red headed woman, wearing a police uniform. "Are you referring to Giratina? Or Germaine?" She answered him, even if she did not mean it, her face that donned a look of confusion; for a mere split second, told him what he needed to know. "I see... you don't know..." It was only at that moment did he try and lift his left arm to scratch an itchy wound (despite knowing that would only make things worse) until his arm stopped with a pull of metal against metal. His arm had been handcuffed to the side railing of the bed. It was almost funny to think that they thought something like this would stop a God if he really wanted to leave, but it was there to keep them feeling safe - they needed the illusion of a barrier to stop Giratina rampaging again regardless of how useless it may actually be. It's what humans do. The woman had since moved from the door and sat in a uncomfortable looking chair in the corner of the room. She gave a sigh before biting - "Go on. I don't know what?" "Giratina has receded back into my mind - for the first time in two years I can finally control my own body and mind; only to come back to a world that has me branded as a villain, and a murderer... it's like waking from a coma to find a gun pointed at your head." Giving the handcuffs another little cautionary rattle he continued. "Tell me - weere you [i]actually[/i] planning on attempting to take Giratina to court?" The woman didn't exactly look impressed, you'd think in her position she'd heard everything people would have said to try and escape their act in a crime, but as well as this she knew that having a God jump into your mind won't exactly have positive consequences, the fact that any other Avatar hadn't endured the same thing as Germaine; IF he was to be believed, seemed rather amiss. After a while she simply nodded and in response Germaine laughed in disbelief, which rewarded him with a sharp twang of pain in his chest. "That's absurd! I can't believe you would attempt to imprison a being that for the whole of it's existence has been imprisoned by Arceus himself. You can't put me in prison, nor Giratina, in doing so you would only endanger the lives of even more people because I know for a fact that he would wrest control back from me and escape. Then you have him on the loose with the world regarding him with hostility; great job. You just made a God your enemy in your misguided attempt to fulfil some stupid sense of justice." Without letting her respond Germiane continued. "Besides, nobody but myself knows what occurred that ended up making Giratina lose it; I may be biased because he is me and vice versa - but I hold no love for the bastard, he ruined my life - he took away from me 2 years of my life and done with it as he pleased, without any regard for my family or friends back at home." Germaine calmed himself down a bit since he realised just then he had started shouting at the officer; who to be fair was doing impressively well to sit in front of such a threat with a straight face. "That Xerneas provoked Giratina into an attack, the idiot said he deserved his imprisonment and went on further to say that he would make an attempt to have Giratina imprisoned once again - by the very being who only can imprison a Pokémon like Giratina - that is Arceus. Xerneas could have easily averted the ensuing rage from Giratina at that news - just try and think for a moment; do you honestly think there is any crime that can never be forgiven? Giratina was finally forgiven from millennia of isolation and torment, and someone wanted to throw him back to that hell. There is nothing he wouldn't do, nor anyone for that mater to prevent that from happening again. Xerneas deserved everything he got for saying what he said..." Germaine sighed before saying his last piece. "Giratina is misunderstood, I can say that much from being in his mind for two years, he is alien - a Legend even among Pokémon, bordering a myth and he gets thrown back into the world that is alien to him - least of all into a humans body, he simply wanted to live a life he never had the chance to get - what crime is there in that?"