Longitude? Latitude? Lina decided to keep quiet rather than further reveal her navigational ignorance. Running down the river, crossing a rickety bridge one at a time, and trekking through some woods, the two found themselves going up the incline of the previous cliff before taking a turn, though not before seeing a pair of cross shaped rock formations about where the cross was on the map. They were also surrounded by potholes and loose dirt, yet that was not where the coordinates pointed. It looked like Grif didn't even try. Lina gave a chuckle at his expense as she returned to the map. As they got closer to a bend in the stream, the pair found an open spot in the trees, but the clearing was otherwise featureless. Checking around, Lina said, "It has to be around here." Glancing at the shovel, Lana patted Chester on the back, suggesting, "Get diggin'."