Kaze chuckled at the question as to whether he was any good at battling. "Looks like we're in the same boat. I'm not that good either, unless Suicune decides to help. But he likes to sleep, so I'm not sure I'll get his help today. Luckily, I still have my friends near me," he said, gesturing to Clabber and Jingle. [color=F5A97F][i]"You've got to be kidding me. You're going to be [/i]enemies[i] in this tournament, and you're being friendly with her?"[/i][/color] Clabber scolded. [color=91ECFF][i]"Not my enemy. An opponent, but not an enemy. I don't need to cause any hatred that might end like . . . yesterday,"[/i][/color] Kaze explained. [color=F5A97F][i]"You'll have to tell me some stories on everything I've missed sometime."[/i][/color] [color=91ECFF][i]"Maybe later."[/i][/color] Then he returned his focus to Emry. "Sorry," he apologized. "Clabber is a bit rude at times. I have to try to keep him calm." [color=F5A97F][i]"I'm right here,"[/i][/color] the Corphish snapped, but Kaze tried to ignore him for the moment. [@Zanavy]