[center][h3] Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent & Noir Black[/h3][/center] "Mr.Svent, care to demonstrate a few tricks of yours since you caught onto mine earlier?" Noir seemed rather eager to see this mysterious masked man in action. Yet there was a sigh of reluctance... The girl wasn't taken with him in a way a lover would be taken to their significant other, yet she did feel he was quite significant to her Bizarre adventures that her life would entangle those around her like a spider's web. Yet seemed to lower her glasses... Yet she noticed the eye holes for Cassius to peer out of... Seemed to have something blocking the view of others seeing his eyes... She so dearly wondered. "What was the saying... A Magician never reveals his tricks...?" Cassius teased before rotating his shoulders. "Pleease? I want to include it into my story... For inspiration." Noir blatantly made up any excuse she could, even if it was a complete lie. "Noir, was it? Listen. Are you this way... for everyone you meet?" Cassius faced her general direction briefly before looking about to the uncanny and unsavory girl... He shrugged... It wasn't his business who she was being an ass to. He simply exhaled. "Yes." Was the shorthand response he received. "Safe to assume I'll get little out of you if I ask much of anything, right?" Cassius stood up. "Well... Yeah, that is about right." Noir grinned before following suit. "Then do me a favor, and keep those lips sealed when I show anything off... but... I can show quite a few tricks... Let's just hope we don't scare the living shit out of anyone on this flight..." Cassius grinned slightly before drawing circle in the air, a bit of light and dark into each. "Sir... I hope you don't speak like that at the academy..." Noir commented at the vulgar response before seeing quite the most unusual surprise... Two beings seemed to pool out of the glyphs... One seemed to be some form if Quadruped. This one was quite bulbous and round, yet seemed fluffy and friendly. The colors of this being seemed to be mostly white, the orifices seemed gray for the most part, white pearly teeth, and a happy lapping tongue. "That is amazing!" Noir responded as she was greeted by a lick... She found herself giggling. "That is Kaldr... Ready to... What is the childish expression many use... 'Scare the pants off of'? Eehh... Here is Fenrir!" Cassius grinned as a black manifestation appeared from the other Glyph... Despite the stance it had, it seemed to only need to walk on. The frame was very ebony like, the claws seemed very sharp, long and razor like. The maw seemed quite twisted as it had the face of anger and agony... Chains were embedded around the arms as it stood on all fours, it seemed like fire was coming from it's mouth; but it was actually light seeping between it's teeth. The bending of the light gave the impression it was fire, but it was just the elements holding the two together. Noir found herself stroking the fur of each, Fenrir growled slightly, suppressing his individual happiness, where Kaldr simply lapped at her happily. It was clear they were both very expressive. "They are so cute!" "I know, right?" Cassius commented before walking out to the aisle. He looked to the women in her flower like dress. "Did you enjoy the magic show?" Cassius bowed his head to her, as well as a few other, such as the two foxes.