[H1][center][color=00ff33]FLUORES VERDALIA [/color][/center][/H1] Fluores let out an cry of suprise as the large girl basically kicked her legs out from under her, sending her tail and tools scattering across the floor of the airship. A sharp jolt of fury coursed through her as someone basically had flung her [i]tools [/i], her pupils narrowing to thin slits. Sending a withering glare at the tattooed offender, Floures waited for the girl to apologize, focusing her attention on the girl. "Oops," was all she got, the condscending tone of the burnette almost dripping it was so thick.[color=00ff33] 'I am going to tear that bitch's fucking tattoo's off one by one,' [/color]the green haired girl thought with pure rage as the half-faunus shot up from her seat pointing her arm towards the offender, a small shimmer appearing along one of her arms as she tried to bring up her semblance. The translucent aura covering her arm quickly dissapated almost as quickly as it had appeared, a wave of nasuea washing over heras her sense of equilibrium was compromised without the tail to work in tandem with her ears. Putting a hand over her mouth as she tried to sit back down, she missed the seat she'd been on and landed solidly with her backside on the floor of the airship. Dazed by the whirlwind of unpleasantness, she groggily took notice the new arrival, a brown haired boy seemingly trying to talk to her,[color=00746b] "...you need help..."[/color] being about all she caught in her state. Trying to both nod to the boy as well as snake her head to clear her mind, she somehow managed to mumble out a quick[color=00ff33]"That'd be great."[/color] After that she took a few deep breaths, clearing her head before trying to pull herself back up on the seat slowly, doing her best not to set off another fit. As she watched the target of her ire simply walk off, almost unconciously her mouth moved of its own accord, seemingly without asking her for her own input, [color=00ff33]"Fucking bitch."[/color] [@Nevix][@Asura]