Name: Dahl Sinn Domain(s): Balance. Domain Ability: Dahl is tapped into the unseen fabric that gently guides reality on its path, the Zhu Zeal. Zhu is the manifestation of Time, symbolized by the power of Light. Zeal is the manifestation of Space, sympolized by the power of Sound. Though he is a deity, the extent of his connection to the Zhu Zeal is limited; he has strong control over the powers of Light and Sound, a power that he shares wholeheartedly with his followers, but the powers of Time and Space are much more difficult to obtain. He has very limited control over them, though he is often gifted by visions on either or both axis, from anywhere in the land and in any time frame. Only the strongest of mages in his kingdom can touch the powers of Space or Time, though if one was to become a devout Oracle, they could experience visions, and even train to control them to create Prophecies by intense meditation. Common Appearance: A pale monk with close cropped jet black hair, wearing a half black, half white set of robes. His eyes are almost always close, though if you are in his presence, you feel as if his circular amulet, cut perfectly in half in a by a single lightning bolt line, half black and half white, is watching you. Personality: He is an incredibly kind man, often bound by intense honor. However, he knows when he has to display an iron fist, and when deceit is necessary for the good of the people. Life is about achieving perfect balance. Direct or Indirect: Indirect. Description of Mage Powers: The plentiful magi of this kingdom practice mastery of the Zhu Zeal. They wear the symbol of the Zhu Zeal, the circle of black and white separated by a single bolt, and use it as a focus for their magic. Some practice a weaker version, and can use both Light and Sound magic to a lesser extent than others. Other Elite few find a life partner and study the Zhu while their partner studies the Zeal. This close, tandom connection allows them much stronger control over Light or Sound, while also granting the strongest of them minor Space and Time influence. Others still study to master the visions of the Zhu Zeal, becoming devout Oracles. Symbol: The of the Zhu Zeal, the circle of black and white, separated by a single bolt. Other Info: Dahl Sinn, though he is an indirect deity, moves about his people, consulting with them about their problems and working to make their nation quite the utopia. Nation Info: The nation's land consists of one gargantuan mountain, carved into a monastery the likes of which have never been seen before. Inhabitants live high above the clouds, and some far beneath the surface. Nation Name: Zahel, which translates to Balance. Flag: Scarlet, with the Zhu Zeal symbol emblazoned in the center. Geographical Location: The largest island in the northeast. Only it's a huge mountain. Whoops. [img][/img] Geographical Info: The whole land is just one gargantuan mountain. Carved into one incredible fortress. Capital City: Zahel Court. Culture Description: Honor, the balance of Knowledge and Power, strength of will, unwavering nationalism. Military Description: Strong navy, ground troops are almost entirely mage based military and cavalry. Government Description: Heavy trade, greatly into ores and mining rescources. Population (Cap 2,000,000): 1,000,000. Interestingly enough, the moment anyone is born, someone dies. Traits: Honorable Emissaries (Can’t Be Taken With A Web Of Whispers): Throughout history your nations peoples are known for being charismatic and honorable. With some of the best and most trusted diplomats, sneakier affairs are more difficult when it comes to both your spies and the spies of your enemies. This is compensated by your ability to obtain information diplomatically, above the radar.  The People’s Idol: The royalty in your nation is widely renowned and loved by all its citizens. Attempts to sow seeds of dissent would be met with fierce resistance. Your citizens are more likely to do things for the sake of their deity.  Universities: Your people are well educated, schools have qualified teachers and the schools value teaching their students things that will help them later in life. These facilities are kept clean and well organized with a happy balance of extracurricular and classes.  Black Market: Very interesting wares can be purchased in your domain if the right person can be found. Often times, less than savory goods can be found in your nation if you have good coin. Of course, don’t think that your royals will not utilize this if you wish.  Industrial: Your workers are proficient in making the goods that leave your land, making them quickly and durable making them desirable to all who have had a taste of your wares. This increases the economy and overall job market making it overall beneficial.  Awe-Inspiring Fortifications: The castles within your nation have the most breathtaking views and are the pride of your country. Along with their mesmerizing beauty, the security that roams the halls are top of the line. Not only are these places stunning, they are placed in specific locations within your realm to keep your people safe all while foes sit and admire these structures.  Unstoppable Force (Costs 2 points): The world trembles when you head to battle as you leave carnage in your wake. Once you get going, there is nothing to stop the wrath you are to bestow upon whomever invoked you, making your attacks leave a mark on the land. When your nation attacks, they are at a great advantage.  Immovable Object (Costs 2 points):  Try as they might, no foe can trudge their way through your nations stubborn defense. You hold your ground with pride allowing no one across your borders who show any sign of ill intent. Flaws: Arrows In The Green: Archery is a foreign trade to your nation’s military. With bows and arrows, your troops are undisciplined, unskilled, and cowardly. Archers will be able to help less on the battlefield than the average ranger. With a military so centered around their deity's magic, projectile ranged weaponry is obsolete.. or so they think.  Depleted Lands: Your nation has consumed its resources faster than they are replenished. Forests are absent in your lands. This causes you to import wood if you wish to use it. It's literally a mountain.