[h2][color=a187be]Alex Carter[/color][/h2] After Alex caught his breath, he stood straight again and began to take in everything around him again. Some of the students found ways to keep the sanity of the room calm, while others chose to give in to certainly unnecessary outbreaks. At least they had a lighter though, so they were a bit of a help. Jack and Katashi decided to help too. Jack decided to go be suicidal and touch everything in a unknown world where it felt like anything could kill all of them on a moments notice, and Katashi found a reason to take off his shirt. Well not completely take it off, but he certainly caught Yuriya's attention. Alex's jealousy did go up a bit, well really quite a bit. Yuriya was pretty and he hated the fact she hated him just because he was a little foreign. Maybe if his name was Akio it wouldn't be so bad, but Carter didn't really fit in either. Anyways Alex watched as Jack began to poke around the sink, with an assumption that Jack may have a clue as to of what he is doing, but by Shizune's reaction it was clear to keep an eye on Jack and stop him from doing just about anything Jack would do. Katashi put his shirt back on finally, but he was still gorgeous and Alex was still a little jealous. He was a nice guy though, so he shrugged it off as the flirting stopped. With barely any warning beside some creaking floorboards a girl came crashing through the ceiling into their room. How she got there was a mystery, but not one he felt like questioning at the moment. After the dust cleared it was plain to see that it was Lexy who had fallen from the ceiling. He went over to help her up and catch her breath. [b][color=a187be]"Are you ok?"[/color][/b] was all he asked as he tried to help her to her feet. She practically did it herself though, so Alex just answered her questions as best he knew. [b][color=a187be]"Well evidently this place is known as the 'World of Wasted Dreams' and evidently it's a total real nightmare. The walls smell like hell because this place is a hell."[/color][/b] With everything that was going on in the room Alex was really eager to get out of it. The talks of actually leaving with a destination were great, but the fact there were two destination ideas was not. He wasn't wanting to wait around and figure out which way to go, so he began for the door with the intention of just randomly picking one and going with it. On his way to the door though he realized why the science lab was probably better. [b][color=a187be]"I'm going to agree with Katashi and say we should go to the lab. There are all sorts of lighters and flammables that burn and burst in there. We have a lot more options for fire that way."[/color][/b] Alex unblocked the door and poked his head into the hall before setting off for the science lab.