[h2]Kingdom of Lancea[/h2] [hider=NS skeleton] [center][h2]Kingdom of Lancea[/h2] Flag or coat of arms here.[/center] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/26/260497/2702399-3909248937-Stron.jpg[/img] [h3]Nation Overview[/h3]Lancea is a moderately powerful Kingdom known for its lush mountain passes, rugged mountains, and metal deposits, and being a bastion between east and west. Its borders are famous for having remained relatively the same for as long as recorded history, though refugees from other nations, as well as prosperous trade, has shaped it along with the modern world. [h3]Geography[/h3][hider=Map Claim][img]https://s31.postimg.org/fz16xpgyz/Great_map.png[/img][/hider] Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. You are also at liberty to describe the geography, weather, flora and fauna of your nation here. Also to be mentioned are important cities or locations within your nation. [h3]History[/h3]Lancea was once a land of mountain barbarians in wooden fortresses, and valleys of wildmen. As more advanced nations encroached upon their land, the barbarians were tenacious in their defense of this lush wilderness. However, over the centuries, they adopted more and more of their more civilized neighbor's customs. The mountain fortresses soon became stone bastions of strength, and the men of the valleys cleared out ways for roads to allow those who needed to, to travel to and fro. It was during the beginning of this transition that a Mountain Chieftan named Godric Velumer (Fellhamer) began conquering his neighbors, using mountain tunnels to make surprise attacks, and eventually gaining the strength to invade the valleys as well, firmly uniting the Clans of Larc'ea into the Kingdom of Lancea. A mere decade later, the new Kingdom (who had just begun trade agreements with other nations) was attacked by strange eastern warriors that were fearful and wary of this new Kingdom's strength, which sparked a conflict dubbed "The War of the Mountains and Plains" that in turn, lasted more decades, until Godric's forces set a trap and allowed the foreign invaders to enter the mountain passes. They performed a pincer move, and utterly crushed their forces. Since then, Lancea has been a place where West meets East, and refugees tend to flock. [h3]Society[/h3]The King is known as Godric, being the 3rd of his name in the past few centuries. He is the ruling King, governing 12 Mountain Lords, 6 border Lords, and 4 Lords of the passes. Life is relatively normal for a feudal society, though being prideful of their ancestry and accepting of refugees, the Lords are known for being exceptionally caring for their serfs to match their fierce hatred for their enemies. Day to day life can vary, between a Lord looking over his mountain fortress, to a lovely young maiden getting water from a mountain stream, to a father of three hunting in the valley for the large Elk that reside their. [h3]Economy/Industry[/h3] Exports [list] [*]Metal [*]Timber [*]Stone [*]Hunted Meat [/list] Imports [list] [*]Horses [*]Farmed food (Lancea has a few places for agriculture, but only to be self sustainable in the utmost need and for a short time) [*]Wheat [*]Alcohol [/list] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/72db/th/pre/i/2012/149/3/3/15th_century_knight_by_skworus-d51htbl.jpg[/img] [h3]Military[/h3] Gunpowder artillery has been welcomed with open arms. All across the mountain ranges, mortars have been constructed to fire at ranges of up to a mile on flat ground, and 3 miles from the highest mountain vantage point recorded. In contrast to this however, gunpowder as an infantry weapon has been largely ignored for the longbow, the Lancea people long having known and relied upon the weapon for hunting large game. Heavily armored infantry and Knights in full plate are the main ground force, besides Heavy Cavalry if their neighbors supply them with mounts. Gunpowder weapons are only semi effective against such well crafted armor, and the troops of Lancea have long since become immune to the effects the new weapon has against morale, all citizens having been near their beloved mortars. The poleaxe is a favorite among the Knights, and Halberds are implemented to their ground forces when facing against an enemy on flat ground if there is any number of mounted troops. [/hider]