[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjA5YTNmYi5WMlZpYzNSbGNpQlBKME52Ym01dmNnLCwuMA,,/always-joking.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/2ff4527bace8acb7fd2cbdc4193a057e/tumblr_n3lve8uwjb1toyb5ao2_250.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] His Dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Nobody [url=http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/88308081/id/VPyNrHHeRD2tK-q7XQBbDA/size/y.jpg][sub]Outfit[/sub][/url][/center][hr][hr] Webster had stopped coming to school with his dad the moment he'd gotten his license. After sixteen years, he was done with the long talks about achievements, and how his heritage on both sides meant he was supposed to be great. So it was, that as he pulled into the school parking lot, he was alone, for the third year in a row. He wasn't all that torn up about it, if he was being quite honest. Better alone than with the unpleasant company of Johnathan Frederick O'Connor II. Stepping out of his [url=http://car-us.com/img/source/big/171744280508_0.jpg]car[/url], he smiled as he laid his eyes on the campus which he'd considered his home for the past four years. He grabbed his two suitcases from the top luggage rack, and grabbed a bookbag from his passenger seat, one that was bulging with an assortment of novels as well as his laptop. It was most certainly well past capacity, although he paid it no heed, and instead slung it over his shoulder and walked towards the apartment building where he'd be living for the next year, suitcases trailing behind him. When he arrived at his dorm, he discovered it to be unoccupied. It was sparkling clean, and easily one of the most poorly decorated places on the planet. But, tacky decor aside, it was to be his home for the next year. He might as well come to enjoy it. Claiming the room on the right, he set down his suitcases with a thud. Resting on the bare mattress was a card, with his name written on it in a scrawl that was too perfect to be mortal. [i][b][color=deepskyblue]Mom,[/color][/b][/i] he thought, moving towards the card as if worried it would bite him. Luckily, he picked up the card without any biting, and he opened it up, prepared for a nice, heartfelt note. That's what he would've liked. Instead, written in the same scrawl as the front was a single sentence. [i]Have a good year![/i] He grimaced. [b][color=deepskyblue]"Thanks Mom. Really feeling the love with that one,"[/color][/b] he said to no one in particular. He grabbed the card, and nearly threw it in the trash, but instead placed it on the nightstand that rested next to the mattress. Sighing, he began to unpack, listening for any sounds coming from his roomie to be, entering. [center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5iNGZjOTcuVkdWemN5QkhZV3hzYjNkaGVRLCwuMAAA/tt-moons-thin-demo.italic.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxryqutBE81qaweqho2_250.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Her Dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] [color=b83d55][b]Dusty[/b][/color] - via text [@MissCapnCrunch] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2d/91/48/2d9148b8b6738b5ef82d928c3e59ef1b.jpg][sub]Outfit[/sub][/url][/center][hr][hr] It had been a perfectly wonderful morning. She'd woken up early so she could get school on time, saying goodbye to her dad and hopping into [url=http://www.crankandpiston.com/brain_wp/media/2010/03/Classic190SL_1.jpg]Mercy[/url], her car which already had all her bags packed into the trunk. The drive had been a nice one, top down, wind whipping her red tresses around her head, music blasting. She always loved going back to OA. It always felt like she was going home. She'd arrived before just about everyone else, and had been the first one into her dorm room. As she'd been unpacking, her day took a turn. She heard the door open, and was just about to pop her head out and introduce herself, when she heard his voice. [i][b][color=palegreen]Oh gods no! Please let me be wrong![/color][/b][/i] she thought, peeking out of her room only to confirm her suspicions. Abe Rothschild was her fucking roommate. Her heart pounding, she whipped out her phone, scrolling through her contacts until she found Dusty. She fired off a quick text, trying not to make a noise as she slid to the ground, back resting against her bedroom door. [quote][center][b]To - [color=b83d55]Dust Storm[/color] [color=palegreen]ALERT! ROTHSCHILD IS MY ROOMIE!! I REPEAT, THAT FINE ASS SON OF ZEUS IS MY ROOMIE I'M FREAKING OUT HELP!! HE'S TOO HOT I CAN'T!![/color][/b][/center][/quote] She was freaking out. She'd been crushing on that boy since her first year. Granted, she'd been crushing on many boys, as Webster would happily point out, but Abe had been the first. [b][i][color=palegreen]What the fuck am I doing? I'm Tess Galloway, bad ass daughter of Artemis. I can handle a cute boy for Olympus' sake![/color][/i][/b] she thought. She shot off another text to Dusty, before standing up. [quote][center][b]To - [color=b83d55]Dust Storm[/color] [color=palegreen]I'M GONNA INTRODUCE MYSELF I'VE GOT THIS I'VE GOT THIS[/color][/b][/center][/quote] Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she opened her door and walked out into the main section of the apartment, and her eyes landed on Abe. [b][color=palegreen]"Oh, heya. I didn't hear you come in. I'm Tess, Tess Galloway,"[/color][/b] she said, hands on her hips, grinning. She tried and failed to lean nonchalantly against the wall, at which point she decided that hands on hips was the better pose. She didn't need to slip and get a concussion right in front of the son of Zeus. That would be bad. [i][b][color=palegreen]Well, unless I needed mouth to mouth. Then I think I could take one for the team.[/color][/b][/i]