[center][h1][color=purple]Onyx[/color] Elysium, Ragnarok Arena.[/h1] [/center] [color=silver]Onyx sat high above the ground, in the stands of the monstrously large, infamous arena in which many fatal gladiator battles were held, each day. Onyx held a small pair of binoculars to his eyes, squinting through the lenses. He looked down, onto the ongoing battle between a high-level Goliath and an even higher level BattleBorn, though the Battle Borne was a higher level, and the raining champion for the past sixteen days, it was the Goliath that was winning.[/color] [color=coral]The crowd was going insane over the idea that the champ was about to be dethroned. Onyx could barely even hear the announcer over the immense amount of sound that was being produced by the many fan boos, cheers, and various scream, respectively. Onyx sighed, pushing off one of the more intoxicated watchers that had happened to slouch down, into Onyx’s lap. [/color] [color=silver]He detected a slight movement out of his left, his target was moving. Onyx waited for a moment, allowing his target to gain some distance before following, as to not draw attention to himself. Onyx followed, just barely out of his target’s sight. Onyx finally followed his target out of the arena, tracking them to an alleyway across from the arena. [/color] [color=coral]Bobby’s eyes lowered into a scowl, keeping an eye on the small but deadly hand cannon that swayed gently on the hip of targets thin frame. Onyx continued to follow his target deeper into the alley, waiting to strike. Onyx let out a low grumbling sound, before reaching for his Crimson Sun, slamming the stock into his shoulder and letting loose a shot into his targets back, before they could react, sending them hurtling to the ground.[/color] [color=silver] [color=darkviolet] "So, I'm going to make this quick."[/color] Said Onyx, walking forward, stepping on his targets hand to ensure they wouldn't try reaching for their weapon, sending a mean right hook to his targets face in the meantime. [color=darkviolet] "You're going to tell me just where-"[/color] [/color] [center] [h1] Genesis, Sancutary, Pyre. [/h1] [/center] [color=coral]A bright light enveloped Onyx, teleporting him to Sanctuary. [color=purple]"Exactly the..."[/color] Onyx allowed his sentence to fade, realizing he was no longer in Elysium. [color=purple] "Wh- But, I was so close to getting that new sword!"[/color] Onyx whined, looking to his left to see a man surrounded by what looked to be a woman, covered head to toe in armor, another man, that looked to be the same age, holding two, what looked to be laser pistols, and a... Little girl? Onyx scrunched his face lightly before looking to his left where he found a woman that looked to be resting.[/color] [color=silver] [color=purple] "Hm, so there's other then.. [/color] He let out a small "Mm" in greeting, waving his index and middle finger on his right hand, in a small salute. Onyx walked to a nearby wall, leaning against it for support, as he didn't really feel like socializing, instead wanting to wallow in the fact that he was ripped from his chance at a new blade.[/color]