[hr][b]Errol Vahn[/b] [hr][b]// PRESENT DAY, OMEGA //[/b] [color=gray][b]“Go track down our tubby little friend while I deal with Aria.”[/b][/color] Errol nearly threw his hands up in protest. When he stepped back on Omega after surviving what he referred to as a Vorcha Holocaust the last thing he wanted to do was thrown into the insanity that was this terrible excuse for a Dasher’s Reunion. Generally people who got back together did it over drinks, not over whatever this hell was. Ignoring the fact that they didn’t even have the time to get proper equipment ready, it was all so much to take in at once. The flood of names, the rush of action, and the expectations to follow through. It was something you’d at least need a briefing for— but there wasn’t any briefing or comprehension beyond “follow leader, point gun, shoot gun” and after having nearly a dozen or so drinks Errol wasn’t exactly in the best position to deal with it. The aching he felt fighting the Vorcha in space was gone, sure, but he wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing here and he knew damn well that the chips were going to fall at some point during their little job-let which would end with Errol needing even more alcohol to numb down a new set of painful woes. Then there was the point that he wasn’t exactly geared for anything— all he had were a Stinger pistol with one thermal clip nearly depleted and a metal mesh knife tucked in the back of his utility belt. The brown-haired scoundrel took a heavy breath as the group separated from Declan and against his better judgement he spoke up. “You guys do your thing, I’ll catch up with you. I’m low on ammo and weapons.” There was a few protesting comments thrown back at Errol but he shook his head as he took off; besides they really didn’t need a guy with a pistol with no rounds. Of course, Errol had his reasons beyond simply restocking— a fact that was obvious as his footing hastened as he caught up with Declan as he walked back inside Afterlife. Declan, of course, noticed as soon as it was apparent that one Dasher had decided not to exactly take his orders and split off from the group but Declan had to see Aria so it wasn’t like they could be distracted and argue or chat over the stipulations on why Errol did what he did. But then again, Declan, always had trouble with “commanding” Errol back when he hadn’t any debt with the sharpshooter. A debt that Errol was still a bit ornery about. However, such animosity was curbed almost immediately as Declan took to conversing with Aria T’Loak with the bravado that reminded him why Errol had stayed on with the Dashers during their original run in the first place. [i]“Heh. He’s willing to irritate Aria fuckin’ T’Loak over getting his posse back together in full form. Ha. Maybe today isn’t going to be so bad after all.”[/i] The alcohol in his system seemed to begin hammering Errol a little after Declan’s bold comment and things began to go a little wonky. Errol’s first thought was back at his bartending friend and wondering if he didn’t hold the poison as some elaborate prank— but it was just the fact Errol had seven drinks and whatever his Krogan comrade had forced him to down. When things cleared up (after vomiting all over the floor of Afterlife following the meeting with Aria) he was ensured that he did not vomit anywhere near Aria; a fact he was thankful for considering he didn’t want his vomit to be a deciding factor in Declan’s revamp of The Dashers. A good thing, indeed. The next few bits of preparation before they set off back to the mission at hand was Errol’s gear— his additional thermal clips, his rifle, his extra pistol, a new jacket that was preferably not vomit-covered. Declan was likely, or as much as Errol assumed, too busy being amused to comment on why he tagged along to hear him talk to Aria but Errol knew the question would come up eventually or Declan would sweep it under the rug as being unimportant. But as they were leaving Omega after digging through Errol’s locker of many things (which his bartender friend kept under the counter), they ran into another person from the past: Alexia “Dragon” Stone. [color=gray][b]“Well damn, the Fitzgerald character returns from the dead. I bet Errol is both delighted to see you and consumed with wanting to beat you into a pulp. And before you say anything yeah I know but you honestly need to read more of the classics.”[/b][/color] Errol laughed as he came up from behind Declan and slammed his hand on the older man’s back. “Oh no, we’re good. Didn’t you hear, Stone Cold? He’s paying in installments.”