With the elders amongst the demons talking their usual "adult talk", Madeline giggled in a girly fashion and walked over to a divan, smoothly getting rid of her high heels before lying on the furniture. She liked listening on the ranting of the people. It thrilled her. Her heart was pumping heavy with curiosity and the thirst for something more. The Demon was not usually feeling this vivid. "Ah, so much drama. Let us fantasize about dancing in a burning sky and drinking the blood of virgins... Huhm... I would enjoy the scent of 'l'eau de vierge'." She clapped her hands and licked her lips. It was some time since she had taken a bite. Her eyes wandered over to a table with finest meals and delights for every demonic being. Stretching herself and purring like a cat, Madeline slowly slithered from the divan and got into an upright stance. With quiet, almost ghostly steps, she approached the table and let her gaze be satiated by the mass of food in front of her. "Even Kings and Queens cannot dine like this. What a delight", she purred, as she prepared a plate with the best pieces of them all. Walking over to Mephistos with the garnished plate, she leaned against his seat once more, the plate gently resting in the man's sight. "There is enough time to discuss about our very prosperous living, my dear. Shall we take a bite before this whole turns a little ugly?" ----- Fenris watched the group of werewolves with interest. They all live amongst the humans with such a secrecy that it reminded Fenris about the old saying; [i]a wolf in sheep's clothing[/i]. More delightful, he enjoyed the fact that they all [b]acted[/b] like humans. They were all concerned about political problems. Nature was not concerned about the weak. Even the strongest beasts cannot carry the dead weight of the predecessors. It amused Greyback even more when the main concern was the missing of the dominant person of this council. Missing Felix. After hearing a lot of nonsense about waiting and what could have happened to him, Fenris rose from his seat. "Will we keep wondering why a man is not present at a political issue or do we fix it?", he growled, his eyes wandering around the people that were present. "Many of us should be concerned about what is going to be discussed amongst the council." The man growled in the moment of addressing the turmoil some of the younger members were giving him. The word 'beast' was probably the sharpest echo. It felt ironic to the man. "If I remember correctly, this council was made to address the problems between the beings of the night and the humans. Since we received a lot of aggression from the Church, we should stop wondering where our most dominant wolf is."