[Center][H1] T H E M A R I N E S[/h1] [h3] T I M E S K I P|1 M O N T H [/h3] [hr] [h2][b] 99TH DIVISION[/b][/h2] [hr] [h3][b]Z e p p K i s a r a g i[/b][/h3] In the wake of the Conomi Islands incident, "Zepp" has been observing the actions of both Vice Admiral Marxo and Lieutenant Anaru in order to better determine whether either of them can be trusted to remain assets to the Navy and, by extension, the World Government. To top it off, "Zepp" has been trying to repair the remaining 99th Divisions' damaged faith in the higher-ups, who essentially sent them on a suicide mission. For now, he has been awaiting word from the World Government while he's been stationed in the cold region of Drum Island. [h3][b][color=green]F r e y a[/color][/b][/h3] Following the Conomi Island incident, Freya has submitted recommendations for Johnny and Zepp to recieve promotions: Johnny for helping to subdue the prime perpetrator, and Zepp for his leadership during the rescue efforts, and the both of them for charging to Anaru's rescue. She then officially resigned from her position as Captain of the Marines. After taking a week to settle her affairs, the Marines effectively haven't heard from her since. In reality, she's been wandering around the East Blue, doing odd jobs to keep her wallet from being empty as she tries to find some kind of a purpose. [hr] [h3][color=f7976a][b] A n a r u[/b][/color][/h3] After realizing how much destruction and pain went into capturing a bunch of c-list pirates, Anaru has declined his promotion, and instead vowed that he wouldn't take a promotion, or call in reinforcements, or other men, until he arrested a dangerous pirate for every single soldier injured or lost, during the Conomi Islands raid. a lot of marines have told him to stop being such an idiot, because his vow is stupid, and he'll very quickly die without any other soldiers, Anaru remains adamant. [h3][color=blue][b] A d r i a n [/b][/color][/h3] He couldn't wash the blood from his hands no matter what type word he used as soap. Guilt has sets itself comfortably on once newly promoted Captain along with shame. A rough patch the man is in, however others still stay in his thoughts, mainly his mother as he had caught word of what had happened on Conomi Island, he has forwarded a request to the higher ups for him to leave his post and to go see her and now he awaits, still weak, maybe weaker, he believes he will find a way to turn the tide to his favor, him and his lord. [hr] [h3][b][color=088a85] V I C E - A D M I R A L S T. L A U R A N T [/color][/b][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/A3eVucM.jpg?2[/img][hr] Marxo spent most of his time back at headquarters sparring with Father. He’d come to the realization that some marines were just to soft-hearted , including himself. Everyday, for almost 4 weeks , he went through excruciating tests and training exercises to strengthen his Armament Haki as well as his will. When the nights fell Marxo mediated using his fellow higher-ups and marking locations for how far he could stretch his Observation. In the last week before the execution he decided he’d be assembling a team of three. He was honestly tired of undercover work and felt more at home being in charge of others. Based off what he’d seen in Conomi , the marines could use an overhaul, but two would do for now. He asked for a Lt. and a Cpt by the names of Anaru Kahurangi and Adrian Amadeus. Both had fallen in previous battles due to what Marxo thought was lack of knowledge and soft hearted kindness. He felt as though he could strengthen these men and they’d become proud Admirals their children could look up to. A few days before the deathdate Marxo would go to meet the two in the Conomi Islands. They would board a ship heading to the new prison of Drum Island. While on board he went through a synopsis of wha they’d be doing on the Island as well as their new training regiment and the hardships they’d be facing as a team. [hider= The Muron Prison] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pHRUuRm.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WEelzug.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]