[center] [hider= Nyt Årud//Echo Header] [h2][color=#FE2160]Nyt Årud//Echo[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/D4ay9RR.gif[/img] [b][u]Location[/u][/b]: En route to the Powerbound Alliance Sanctuary, Colombia. [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: Her family and her brother, Jesse. [/hider][/center] [hr] Nyt took a moment to observe all the interesting faces that showed up to this stunningly strange gathering of unlikely friends. She had grown up with a large family and an even more extensive library of cousins she could barely keep track of when they visit in the Oregonian summertime. Some she liked, some she didn't; but regardless, they were family. Now, she was ready to make her own "family", so to speak. Even if no one was blood-related to her on this planet, most of them treated her relatively well, noting that she probably felt the most alone not only because she was an alien, but she was an alien with [i]powers[/i]. She looked up and realized people were starting to pile into the helicopter. She put her phone away in a secret pocket she had sewn onto her romper dress after sending the long-awaited text she so desperately wanted to use as an inside joke between her and her entire family, [color=#FE2160][b]"This is the Public Affairs Officer at Ground Control in San Diego, California. The final countdown for PBA-01 has begun at 02:45 AM on April 1, 2026. The ground crew has begun filling the liquid-oxygen tank and the liquid-hydrogen tank in the external tank. The attendees have entered the Heli-Copter through the access hatch and are stowing their gear. We are now at T-30 minutes to liftoff,"[/b][/color] and stood behind Aja to await their turn in the queue of superheroes that needed transportation. Her brother Jesse was the first to text her: the one she feuded with most of her life over normal achievements but with their close age-range, it was all a competition. [color=#5159FF][b]"Anything in particular you want to listen to during take off?"[/b][/color] he asked; she could picture his intense eyes studying her choice of music, which she knew he loved. [color=#FE2160][b]"That [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYRDgd3Tb44]song[/url] from Samurai Champloo, of course."[/b][/color] Nyt was the happiest to oblige, mostly because that’s what her brothers would always request of her: her taste in songs. It was a high compliment from the eight Vikings who needed to be silenced every now and then by a great jam.