[@Overlord24] [color=0054a6]"HEY! Give that back!"[/color] Jake made a reach for his wallet then a voice sounded over the intercom. [color=fff200]"Greetings all students. As you may have noticed, the majority of the students around you have vanished. This is due to the first trial. You have been placed in small groups of eight. This is due to the fact that all trials that will be held at random, will be done in teams for reasons of safety. Each trial is to remove the weaker of you. Or those with a lack of ability to properly co-operate with their team members. Each of you should have received a piece of paper with your homeroom number. Every member of your team is in the same homeroom. Some other teams may also share the same homeroom but you shan't see them there. Please head to your homeroom class now."[/color] The intercom then shut off without further instruction. [color=0054a6]"In other words they bit off too much than they can chew with how many students they accepted."[/color] Jake grumbled softly.