[center][h1][color=black]THE MESSENGER[/color][/h1][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O6azLRe.png?1[/img] [b]x Drum Island x [/b][hr] [/center] [indent] Sabell waited in the isolated cell. The seatone walls were a meaningless additive for her though, she faked being meek and sick as she leaned slacked besides the heavy, seastone door. Her black and white garbs weren’t flattering and quite frankly she could do without being taunted by the guards. They acted as if she was a piece of meat, attempted to enter her cell at times, but they were halted by her savior before they could. The newly appointed warden of the new prison. She was attuned to his host, knew when the essence inside of him was close by. So she knew that the Warden was there now, leaning precisely opposite of where she feigned weakness. A educated, womanly voice belied the veteran, bearded appearance of the marine. [b]“Please tell me, Boggy-Boy took the bait. It would be really, really vexing if he did not. I put too much time into getting you in and under Sunrai’s radar for you to fail, dear. You didn’t fail me, right.”[/b] Sabell feared the person hidden inside the warden greatly but she interacted with the mastermind so much that living in fear was counterproductive to her missions. The girl leaned her head against the cushioned walls. [b]“Master Bogard took the bait just like you predicted. He really is without his memories and it's left him as green as an imbecile”[/b] [b]“Language, Sabell. Watch your insults.”[/b] Sabell imagined that wisp of darkness seeping from the vessel eyes with his warning, the only hint that the warden was not himself. The dim but still powerful red glow in his pupil. The painful bright white of the room created silence and when Sabell realized the warden wouldn’t speak again, she continued. [b]“This jailbreak is dangerous. Jackal I can understand, at least he’s reasonable, but Xerxes is dangerous. Reckless too.”[/b] The warden chuckled unsettling in his girlish voice. [b]“Afraid, Sabell?”[/b] [b]“No, I could kill him but he’d maim me in the process. Are you sure you want your best friend coming back without a arm or leg?”[/b] The voice became venomous. [b]“Don’t play then,"[/b] stressed the voice. [b] "Do your job and leave, set them free and disappear like you usually do. The Red Hood’s commotion should be enough to cover your escape.”[/b] Sabell frowned at his confidence in the fresh crew; they were still wet behind the ears. [b]“Right, I’ll be careful and efficient as always. Just leave my things outside the door when you unlock it.”[/b] The warden walked away then, leaving her alone in the prison. She felt deadly as usual but being locked up brought an unwelcome insecurity in her as well. She didn't like being imprisoned. Not one tiny bit. [/indent]