[quote=@Ira] [@LokiLeo789] I had this idea along with making the story...don't blame me if great minds think alike [/quote] Well, I guess i do have a great mind...you cool Ira, you aight. [quote=@Renny] [@BCTheEntity] Join the club BC lol. Make Dirk some psychopath with split-personality disorder. EDIT: Also anyone who wants can add a Wanter Poster, and as long as its reasonble adjust their bounty. Here's the link I use if anyone is interested in doing so, I'll ask [@Ira] to copy it to the OOC. https://googledrive.com/host/0B-lfTvmg5aE8fmVGQXlVeGNvOTZrX254b0NfMTdIRjFBV19BaUtCazRXOEx4OURqT3NPZWs [/quote] Would Xerxes/Rayne's bounty go up despite being on dearh row.