[h2][color=coral][list]Thuraya Azize[/list][/color][/h2] Not caring about the Divines what Thuraya's specialty. She cared about very few things - Seryosa and Survival being her top two priorities. To be honest, she looked a little like she didn't understand what all the hullabaloo was about. She did know, it was just very clear she wasn't planning to be a part of any of it. As Ambrosia made her way through their ranks to talk to each person, Thuraya silently wished that the blonde wouldn't stop anywhere near her or say a single word, but as her luck would have it, there was a comment on her tail, and a single name spoken that caused her to shrink inside herself a little. Eyes met with the Divine's for only a moment before she looked away, tail curling up slightly. [color=coral][b]"It's possible..."[/b][/color] was all she said in return. Thoughts started going a little more then, mind wandering back to her home. [color=coral][i]'Is she proud..? Even after that humiliating defeat..?'[/i][/color] she gave a soft sigh and her form stayed curled inward, head hung between slightly shrugged in shoulders. [color=coral][i]'Was it pride or disappointment that sent me here..?'[/i][/color] eyes closed for a moment. When she let them open, to look to where Ambrosia had once been, she was relieved to find the Divine had moved on to the others. She listened for a while, to everyone, but her main focus seemed to be Drosil's conversation with the Divine. Everyone seemed to have some questions, but his were the only ones she seemed to care for. Maybe she could find out a little more about him, more about who or what he was. She hadn't made any efforts to truly find out any information about him on her own. She didn't care to talk to him in the slightest, and thought it a bit prying to ask anyone else about him. All she knew so far, was that she didn't like him. She just needed the information so that next time, if they were ever to be pitted against one another again, she would have a bit more knowledge of what's to come. Emerald eyes locked on the mage through out the conversation. So, he was born of one of them..? Lips formed a slight frown as she listened a little closer. As the conversation continued, she only became more and more interested in what was actually going on in Drosil's mind. Eyes focused a little more, and she even got a little closer, though tried to be subtle about it. They didn't use a name, or specifics.. It bothered her a little, but she could only assume that this "brother" they were talking about was who she'd fought..? Maybe... It was aggravating not knowing for sure. A final sigh escaped as their conversation ended and others started with uninteresting topics she couldn't care less about. Eyes lingered on Drosil for a moment longer before she looked away finally. [color=coral][i]'I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to him...'[/i][/color] just not now. Maybe not even any time soon. [color=coral][i]'... But I [/i]really[i] don't want to...'[/i][/color]