[center][H2][color=bc8dbf]AoD[/color][/H2] [H3]Genesis, Sanctuary: Killion; Residential area 5B: Neutral[/H3] Angel sat atop a broken street light as and stared down upon the multiple Battleborn milling about below, She hadn't even changed into her battle form yet because of the sheer fact that they had pissed her off earlier "[color=bc8dbf]So which one first?[/color]". -An hour earlier- "[color=f7976a]Hey you Hacking bitch, You think you can just walk away after cheaping us out of that Win[/color]?!?" the leader yelled as he stood in front of a rather bored Angel who just yawned in the face of a what was equivalent to a rabbid chihuahua to her. She uncrossed her legs and stood up to her full height and just started walking past the group of Battleborn, that was until one of them decided to grab her wing, the next thing that man knew he was upside-down with a spear of magic fire pinning his hand to the floor. "[color=f7976a]...You bitch, Get her boys[/color]!" The leader yelled as he pulled out a Revolver and took a shot which would have nailed Angel directly in the chest if it hadn't been for her Shield deploying in its path. She jumped into the air and dissapeared from their veiw after leaving a Blackout at their feet. -Back to the present- "[color=bc8dbf]Maybe All of them at once?[/color]" Angel said as she sat swinging her legs back and forth; with a large and rather psychotic smile she flapped her wings once to activate her flight ability and floated above the group of adversaries and activated Missile Mass. The elemental bolts of magic flew down and struck the groups in their legs just to take them down for a while then a bolt of lightning arced across across them all Paralysing them. "[color=bc8dbf]Never touch my Wings again![/color]" she called down and flew on her way to another location, out of the view distance of those thugs. "[color=bc8dbf]Well that was fun...[/color]" Angel said as she topped out her speed and exited the 5B Residential area for her own. As Angel flew over a new residential sector she saw two messages pop up in the corner of her vision, one was from the Leader of the group which read the same as all other revenge threats, "[color=bc8dbf]I look forward to it[/color]" she sent back, and the other was definetly something strange. As soon as she opened it Angel was put into a loading screen, "[color=bc8dbf]What's happening?[/color]" She asked herself and read the message as the enviroment loaded in around her. She looked around at the area and a text scrolled across her vision Welcoming her to Genesis, Sanctuary: Pyre; "[color=bc8dbf]So anything I want.... huh?[/color]" she started and noticed the others in the viscinity, There were quite a few other plawers there. "[color=bc8dbf]Soooo... anyone else weirded out but excited by this?[/color]" she asked before reclining in mid-air with one leg crossed over her other. [/center]