[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Fr[/color][color=tomato]ick[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://i.giphy.com/UrCpAxG8MMgdq.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Infirmary[/center][hr] The two men were sombre as they played some cards. Victor knew he had a lot of work to do but he had already dealt with so much in such a short space of time that he needed a moment to destress his brain before he had an aneurysm. Richard threw his cards on the table that was between them and turned his head away from Victor. [color=tomato]"Yeah, yeah, Legs. You've won again. [i]Con[/i]gratu-fuckin'-lations."[/color] His voice trailed off into incoherent muttering as Victor smiled and gathered the messy cards together into a neat pile again. [color=khaki]"It is not my fault that you are bad at cards."[/color] He chuckled as he slipped the deck of cards into his back pocket before turning to look at the work that lay ahead of him. He wished that Richard was not so incapacited or he'd have requested his help to move the bodies, that way it could be done quicker. Sighing gently, Victor moved towards Maria's body and checked the wound at the back of her neck. It had congealed and was no longer running. The collected blood pooled on the gurney and into the towels that Victor had grabbed to stem the flow. Finding a plastic basin with some brushes and what looked like gardening gloves inside, Victor placed it on a clear surface and slipped the gloves on. They were a little short on his fingers but they would serve the purpose of keeping his hands clean of the infected blood. He then moved over to Maria's bedside and began to place the bloodied towels into the basin, which he then emptied into the trash can that was labelled for biological materials. He assumed these would simply be burned to stave off any infection within. Cleaning out the basin, he ensured there was no blood left within or on it and made to fill it with some disinfectant and bleach poured in as well. Carefully measured amounts to ensure nothing was wasted wantonly. Richard watched Victor basically dancing around the infirmary as if he'd been here all his life. The man had only been in it, what, five or six hours? Hell no, it must be closer to seven hours now, Richard wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep but he didn't think it was much longer than an hour. How did this man look so comfortable here? He didn't look like a stranger as he pulled out so many things from places that Richard had no idea were even there. [color=tomato]"Doc, ya sure ya haven't been here before?"[/color] Victor stopped his cleaning up of Maria and looked over to Maria, his glasses sitting on the tip of his nose as they had slid down while he was leaning over Maria's body. [color=khaki]"Oh? Very. I arrived 'ere same time as you did. You stretched across my lap and all. Do you not remember? Quickly, tell me where we are."[/color] He moved over to Richard and peered his face in close to his. Richard strained his neck backwards and cocked an eyebrow at Victor. [color=tomato]"Oi, mind yer space Doc! We're in the infirmary..."[/color] [color=khaki]"What were you doing before you were in this infirmary?"[/color] [color=tomato]"Uhhh... which time?"[/color] [color=khaki]"The first."[/color] [color=tomato]"Gettin' my ass kicked by two dead broads and a kid."[/color] Richard scowled and grumbled as he answered. [color=khaki]"Can you say the months of the year in reverse order, s'il vous plait?"[/color] [color=tomato]"Doc I ain't a fuckin' retard but that's like askin' me to say the alphabet back t'front. It ain't gonna fuckin' happen, too much effort."[/color] He folded his arms across his chest and gave a challenging stare at Victor. [color=khaki]"...very well. If you begin to feel sleepy, call for me."[/color] Victor then moved and made his way into the infirmary and began the process of cleaning up the mess and Vivian's body. Richard just shook his head and raised a hand up to scratch the back of his neck as he did. [color=tomato]"What drugs is that man on..?"[/color] He sighed and got comfortable in his chair as he watched one of the Newnan locals guarding the prisoner that was still tied up at the far side of the infirmary. Richard decided he was going to wheel himself over, but not before he reached back into his pack on the back of his chair. He grabbed his shotgun and lay it in his lap as he wheeled himself forward to the prisoner. [color=tomato]"Ya can head back on out, I'll watch this mother fucker doesn't go anywhere. Might be beaten up but that don't affect my aim. Go on and git."[/color] Richard spoke to the Newnanite young man that had been standing guard, stammering over his words and nodding to Richard he handed the knife he was holding over to Richard and made to dart out of the room but before he could make it there, Victor's head peered out from the operating room doors. [color=khaki]"You there! I need 'elp moving this body. Do you mind?"[/color] The young man stopped in his tracks and nodded towards Victor before running into the operating room to help Victor move Vivian's body onto a sheet that Victor planned to wrap her body up in for modesty sake. Then he heard the infirmary doors swinging open and a familiar voice calling out. [color=00a651][b]"Is there anything we can do?"[/b][/color] Victor had wrapped Vivian in the blankets and left the young man to fasten the sheets closed as he walked back into the Infirmary. He was still covered in blood but his hands were crisp as clean as he waved to Sidd and the young woman beside him that bore a striking resemblance to him. [color=khaki]"Ah, in fact, yes. Par ici, par ici."[/color] He beckoned the twins over to Maria's body and then rolled out the sheets that were to cover her body in as much respect as the apocalypse allowed. He turned to the twins and gave a sombre smile. [color=khaki]"I know this young woman may 'ave been a friend to you, but we need to move 'er body for burial. I 'ave already cleaned 'er but she needs wrapped up. Do you mind?"[/color] Richard perked an eyebrow from across the room as he watched the twins. He recognised the guy, but who was the chick? Fucking place seemed to be crawling with ethnics... [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/45775319135d5c3ee50273f6de626c8eedf90fb4/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6a467a414450545a5669766443773d3d2d3236363739373031352e313435353533313232353631663738612e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Gates >> Inside Newnan's Walls[/center][hr] Fixing her shirt as she idled inside the walls, Bryn glanced up as she heard the leader of this settlement addressing her again. [color=steelblue]"If you're willing, you'll probably want your weapons back. Plan sounds solid."[/color] Looking between the Gatekeeper and the Southern Loopy Lou, Bryn rolled her eyes and shook her head before setting Grace in park and hefting her leg over the body and then making her way casually to the back of the wagon to retrieve her weapons. She flat out just took her jacket, sweater and shirt off at this point and began to strap her knives back onto herself before yanking her shirt and sweater back over her head. She grabbed her jacket and slid her arms into the sleeves before grabbing the rest of her weapons. When her hands found her Whacker again, her face lit up and a small smile cracked the corners of her mouth as she practically hugged the deadly weapon close to her body. [color=peru]"[i]Ég saknaði þín.[/i]"[/color] Her tone was gushing as she spoke in her native tongue. She returned her attention once she was done checking that her weapons were not missing anything - clearly she didn't trust the two women in the back of the wagon - and hopped back onto Grace and made her way towards the Gatekeeper and Loopy Lou. Sitting at the bottom of the watchpost, she watched as a young, dark haired girl appeared and started talking to the two that needed Bryn in that moment. [color=cyan]"So who are the cosplaying Vikings?"[/color] Well that was rude to just butt in. Oh well. She waited her turn and then turned her head as she saw the Valkyrie from earlier pipe up towards Lou-Lou. [color=orangered]"That's a three person job, lady. Two holding poles, one on the slingshot. Gotta move fast, gotta move quiet. Let the others in the fucking gate, and Jeg vil være den tredje mannen."[/color] Bryn raised her eyebrows when she heard the Norwegien being spoken. She didn't know exactly what she had said but she recognised one word, third. Bryn only recognised the language from her regular visit to Iceland with her family when she was young. There were a lot of people from the other Slavik countries that lived there. You had to talk super slowly to understand one another and even then it was a challenge, it was generally better to just speak in English if all parties could. She was quickly brought out of her memories when she heard Lou-Lou speak again. [color=f6989d]"Boss, rather it be another you trust than two we dun know ya know? No offense to Thor's daughter but I's like to stack the odds in me favor. I might be quick but two of them and one of us don't exactly sit right. Not till we've had a drink together at least,"[/color] That was fair and Bryn couldn't argue with her. She wasn't concerned one way or the other who came with them or if they even needed another person at this point. After putting that out there, Lou-Lou took off at a full pelt away from the gates. Bryn chuckled a little at her energy. She'd need to ask her how she did it. Bryn was only doing this to keep her weapons in her possession and she'd make that clear to the Gatekeeper. The other Valkyrie hadn't said anything yet, but that wasn't surprising so far. In the whole thirty or whatever minutes they'd been travelling together, she'd been pretty quiet when not actively engaging the dead. Then there were absolutely no surprises when the loud mouthed red head decided to pipe up yet again, although not quite as brashly as before. [color=fff200]"If you tell me where it is, can I take my friend to the infirmary?"[/color] Fair. She wanted her amputee buddy to get some medical attention, couldn't fault her for that. At least this time she spoke and asked rather than kicked and screamed like some toddler that was told that they couldn't sleep in mummy and daddys bed. Maybe she wasn't as shrill as Bryn first thought, but she'd either soon see or she wouldn't. Then the dark haired chick began to tell the Gatekeeper about someone being gone. Dead most likely. She looked real cut up about it. Shame for her. Bryn felt nothing, that was life now. Loss, grief and despair. There was no escaping it. [color=cyan]"I could lead the girls over to the infirmary and get whoever is down there treated if you open the gates. Or if you want I could help Zoie, whatever you want me to do."[/color] Bryn wasn't keen on having a distraught child helping out with this plan. Now was the time to pipe in with her two cents. [color=peru]"Ahem. As ya can see, m'weapons are back in m'posession. Tell me what I have t'do t'keep it this way."[/color] She considered her next words carefully. She couldn't be bothered dealing with a weeping child... [color=peru]"If'n I can add m'thoughts. Yer smá svartþröstur there ain't in the right mind to do a job as big as this, 'specially if she just lost someone. Best we get clear 'eads on this one, yeah?"[/color] She looked to the Gatekeeper, Ashton he had said, and waited with a face clear of any emotion or expression.[hr]