[center][hr][hr][h3][color=b83d55][b]Dustyn Taylor Flint[/b][/color][/h3] [hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/4l9fFRpQCyjtu/giphy.gif[/img] [b][u][color=b83d55]Location:[/color][/u][/b] Some stranger's room in the dorms to her car and back into the dorms [b][u][color=b83d55]Interacting With:[/color][/u][/b] Tess - [@smarty0114] Zach - [@Altered Tundra][/center][hr][hr] A loud snore erupted from the mass of flesh that had it's arm around Dustyn Taylor Flint. Her eyes slowly begin to open, practically glued shut with this morning's eye gunk and last night's mascara. A look of disgust spread across her face as she looked to the man to her right. [color=b83d55][i]"Fucking. Gross."[/i][/color] she spoke aloud as she pushed his heavy arm off her chest. Sitting up she looked down and let out of a sigh of relief- her pants were on so that probably didn't mean she had any type of action. Seconds after Dusty sat up in the bed, the man awoke from his slumber. If it had been under different circumstances, it might have been romantic as the two intently locked eyes with one another. He parted his lips and in anticipation Dustyn raised her eyebrows in curiosity as to what the mystery man had to say about the situation. Vomit erupted from his lips instead of sweet nothings, and rolled down his bare chest and onto the bed sheets. [color=b83d55][i]"Fucking. Gross."[/i][/color] Dustyn bounded off the bed, snatching her phone off the floor and left as she took her leave from the room. As she darted down the hallway, she flew down the flight of the stairs hoping no one she knew would see her coming. Reaching the front door of one of the many dorms, she looked out to her car in the street. Dustyn's car was a mix of a few car parts in all honesty. It had started off as a ford focus or something like that, but after a few accidents it had been reconstructed into a barely working mess. The bright color of the ticket in her windshield, a simple reminder of why she hated the piece of shit. Taking the ticket off the car, she opened her car door and tossed it in the passenger seat with the various clothes, trash, and other items of interest. Reaching into the glove box, she pulled out the keys and shoved them into the ignition. [color=b83d55][i]"Come on frankie."[/i][/color] she pleaded as she tried to turn the engine over. She had named the car in honor of the classic horror movie Frankenstein, as her car looked like the monster the doctor had produced. As she attempted to start the car with her one hand, in the other her cellphone buzzed signaling a text. [quote][center]From - [color=palegreen][b]T-BONE STEAK[/b][/color] [color=gray][b]ALERT! ROTHSCHILD IS MY ROOMIE!! I REPEAT, THAT FINE ASS SON OF ZEUS IS MY ROOMIE I'M FREAKING OUT HELP!! HE'S TOO HOT I CAN'T!![/b][/color][/center][/quote] Of course Tess had already gotten into the dorms and assigned her room mate already. A quick glance into the back of Dustyn's car she saw her various suitcases, backpacks, and piles of clothes taking up the backseat. She had forgotten that it was moving in day already once again. As the sound of the radio blasting hip hop music exploded from the car. Getting Dustyn's attention that the car was now in motion, she pulled out of the parking spot quick and began heading towards her assigned dorm. Like a good and responsible citizen she texted back to Tess as she drove. [quote][center]To - [color=palegreen][b]T-BONE STEAK[/b][/color] [color=gray][b]LOL. IT'S DESTINY. ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU HIS 8 INCH THUNDERBOLT.[/b][/color][/center][/quote] A small laugh escaped from the girl's lips as she pressed send. It was a good thing that she made herself laugh, because more often than not- her humor wasn't met with such approval. She tossed the phone over to the seat with the other treasures as she drove the few minutes to her assigned dorm room. She wouldn't bother moving things in just yet, as she was often on the move and staying over at other's places anyways. Parking, she placed her keys in the glovebox as usual, and grabbed her phone. Another text from Tess, meant that the girl was either going to be in for a treat this year or there was going to be a lot of trouble. Getting out of the car she examined herself in the hanging side view mirror. She was very informal for the first day of school, a white tank top and some jean shorts. Not showered, her hair a mess and her teeth un-brushed for at least a day. Any man's dream wife, she was sure of it. Reaching back into the car, she reached into the treasure pile and found a pack of gum. It would have to do until she could get some TLC from Tess. Slamming the door, she shoved her phone into the small pocket of her shorts and walked into the dorms. Before long, the young girl was knocking- no [b]pounding[/b] on the dorm room door belonging to Tess and Zach. She was probably going to regret interrupting the totally hot make out session that these two were probably having already, but she proceeded to pound loudly anyways. Without patience, Dustyn let herself into the room. [color=b83d55][i]"Oh my God Tess, this is how every person gets murdered around here, leaving their damn door unlocked- we're not in the 1940's anymore, we can't just let our milkman babysit our kids and fuck our wives."[/i][/color] the girl claimed, walking into the room and looking towards Zach and then Tess with a shit-eating grin. She knew she was never going to hear the end of this one. [color=b83d55][i]"Good morning you two!"[/i][/color] she said, placing her hands on her hips in a mirror to Tess.