[@boomlover] Eh, I thought 9 was pretty weak, overall. Dany literally just replayed her greatest hits (burning baddies, saying cool stuff, being hypocritical) only this time, it was just sort of played out and pointless. We all knew she was going to win that battle, what with the dragons and the Khalessar and everything, but the series still tried to give us some cheap tension by a 'cliff hanger' ending of the previous episode and that whole 'terms of surrender thing'. And don't even get me started on the battle in the North... [@NarcissisticPotato] Well, no. She's not playing the game, she's still being played. Littlefinger is not a nice person who fought so hard for so long to gain power, just so he could help Sansa. Notice how she started to argue with and doubt Jon only after talking with him. She's not much more of a player now than she was before and the scene with Ramsay just felt like fanservice to me, though it could be argued that Sansa is filling the REVENGE role that Lady Stoneheart does in the books. B after rubbing it in our face every twenty seconds for multiple seasons that Ramsay is a bad guy, I hoped they'd do something smarter than just another gruesome death. I mean, after all the things GoT has done to villains (crown for king, burning alive, choking to death, shot on the toilet) I feel they could've given more impact to the death by making it stand out as not just one more grisly act of vengeance but something more interesting. I was hoping they'd execute him with a call back to the first ever episode, you know, "the man that passes the sentence must swing the sword". As it is, I just sort of tuned out when he the scene in the cell started.