[center][h1]Zepp Kisaragi[/h1] Drum Island, Muron Prison [@LokiLeo789] [@Renny][/center] Straightening the black tie around his neck, Zepp looked out from his position outside of the Muron and breathed a sigh, the cold giving his exasperation physical form in condensation. “Sure is awful cold in comparison to the East Blue…” he remarked, crossing his arms over his chest. He had been promoted to the rank of Captain of the 99th Division, an event that wasn’t met with quite as much ire as his previous promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Frankly, however, he was a bit annoyed that the higher-ups had heavily insisted on enforcing “proper dress” onto him. As such, instead of his comfortable track jacket and jeans, he was now wearing a burgundy suit and dress pants, topped off with a Justice coat. Of course, he also wore a new Marine cap to replace the one that had been damaged a month ago. The newly-appointed Captain wondered what the previous Captain of the 99th, Freyja, could possibly be up to. She had always seemed like she had been phoning it in for quite some time, so it wasn’t incredibly surprising that she would resign after being put through the situation with Vice Admiral Marxo. But what was she going to be doing with her life going forward? Zepp shook his head as he spotted a ship heading towards the island. From what he could see, it certainly didn’t look like one of theirs. But, at the same time, it’d be a bit hasty to assume they’d be pirates, right? Considering that the former Sunny Massacre Pirates’ captain actually a Marine, there wasn’t much chance that they’d have allies coming to their rescue. Then again, it wasn’t like they were the only prisoners here. Just some of the new blood. “Ah, well. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” he muttered, turning back to re-enter the prison, with no resistance from the guards. Today was the day that Xerxes, the massively destructive masked man from the month prior, was to be executed. And Zepp was going to at least try a little bit to make sure said execution would be a success. The Captain made his way through the prison complex at a casual jaunt, hands placed in his pockets. [i][color=LightBlue]"A black suit."[/color][/i] A familiar voice, albeit with a noticeably different tone, stated from within the cell. Zepp stopped walking and turned to look over the guard’s shoulder as he addressed the man inside. “Well, well, Baldy. It looks like you managed to grow quite an impressive mane,” he remarked, regarding the prisoner through his closed eyes. “Shame that you don’t have much time left to enjoy it.” he added, deciding that he’d make a point to accompany Xerxes to the execution block when preparations were complete.