Humming a quiet happy tune to herself, Marianne kept her head on a swivel as her eyes scanned the surrounding forests. Keeping a watchful eye out for any potential dangers or traps. The bandits surely knew that they were coming and may have potentially set traps, but that could've been giving them too much credit. In her eyes, the bandits were mere thugs and barbarians. Incapable of much critical thought and planning, though that could be a fatal flaw of Marianne's if she underestimated them too much. Even still, she didn't expect to have much trouble with them. Bow at the ready with a few arrows in hand, she not only took the time to provide security but to enjoy the sights of the wood and beautifully painted sky. Though sadly, her sight-seeing was cut short as her comrades began to speak. Turning her head to the young Captain, she could tell that the girl had her doubts and worries, frowning slightly. Who could blame her? Marianne desired nothing more than to offer words of confidence and comfort to the Captain, but held her tongue. There was a time and place for everything. After the coming battle should be more than appropriate. She was certain they would all do well. She definitely didn't appreciate the mutterings and mumbles of one of the other knights, Sir Tiral was his name if she recalled correctly. She had half a mind to reprimand him on the spot, but again held her tongue. It wouldn't do them any good to start a conflict or argument of their own before the start of one of their first engagements as Iron Rose Knights. She would definitely have to speak to him later, shooting him a silent look. She figured that some of the young man's mumblings were complaints or disapprovals of some sort. Though she may have been wrong and quick to pass judgement. At the very least it was unbecoming of a gentleman and Knight to utter soft words under his breath when in the presence of company. Listening in on the Holy Immortal Knight's discussed battle plan with the Captain, Marianne inwardly agreed to the idea of leading with their heavily armored units first. She and a few other Knights could take the time to assess the situation and whittle down the bandit forces from a distance. It was a safe and careful option to take. She couldn't however, hold her tongue anymore when the Holy Immortal Knight failed to address their Captain by her title. [b]"Ah, Dame Tyaethe? If I may speak? I have noticed you simply addressed our venerable Captain by her forename without her appointed title. With all due respect, might I request in the future you take notice and use her title of Captain accordingly?"[/b] Marianne finally spoke, of course with her accent some words did not come out quite as well as she'd hoped. Marianne prayed that she got her point across without appearing to sound overly rude or disrespectful. She would be absolutely mortified if the Holy Immortal took what she had said in such a way, not desiring to anger her.