[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Zer0D7um[/color] [/h1][b]Awakening Mission. In Ghost City. Genesis[/b][/center] Shane stood at the front of the Ghost City and waited for the mission prompt to appear, so he quickly did a rundown on his gear making sure he was ready. Hammer was fully loaded with the ammo pack resting on his back like usual, Sickle has recently been upgraded just for this mission which should give him the means to complete it, and as always his hands are ready to mingle in hand-to-hand combat. Finally once he was done a prompt appeared in front of him. "Do you wish to start Mission - Awakening?" [color=9e0b0f]"Yes"[/color] "You may proceed into Ghost city now. Good luck player." Shane knew he didn't need luck he needed his skill for this mission. He walked through the collapsed entrance of the city and gazed around admiring the detail the developers put into it. The detail of games is what always got Shane he just couldn't help but stop and stare, but his fun time quickly ended as her heard a big roar followed by something bursting out a building down the street he was on. It looked at him and got ready to charge. [color=9e0b0f]"Come on you zver'(beast), come on you know you want some!"[/color] he yelled at it. He waited for it start moving before open firing his Hammer at it, and the beast just kept charging him not seeming to be getting slowed down by his bullets. Shane put Hammer away and pulled out his Sickle and charged at the beast. Surely when the two clashed one of two things are gonna happen either Shane is gonna get steam rolled or tear that beast a new one. By some "luck" as most would say when the two collided Shane actually was able to handle it's massive size with only getting pushed back a little bit. He started to wale on it with his Sickle each blow dealing great damage, but it wasn't enough to stop the beast from giving some counter attacks. The beast raised it's arms up high and was about to slam them down, but Shane in the meantime grabbed Hammer and unloaded the rest of his ammo into it. The beast fell backwards onto its back and Shane was prompted he completed the mission. [color=9e0b0f]"That was it? That was the mission?"[/color] he said out loud to himself while looking at the thing he just killed. [color=9e0b0f]"Well I guess it was kinda challenging but-"[/color] he was interrupted by yet another prompt. "Do you wish to restock before continuing on?" Shane smiled he just knew that one beast couldn't be the entire mission not for this city. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes I would like to restock."[/color] he then saw a box of munitions spawn next to him. It had some things to regain his lost health and replenish his ammo. He got a new message in his inbox which he thought must've been part of the mission, so he opened it and was met with a loading screen for Genesis, Sanctuary: Pyre. When the screen was over Shane was amongst many other players who looked like they fell for the same gimmick. He took a quick look around before speaking up [color=9e0b0f]"So why are we all here?"[/color]