[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5kNGJhOWIuVFdGeWFXRnVZU0JFYVhodmJnLCwuMAAA/mf-kind-witty.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/mPWuG03xVoJIQ/giphy.gif[/img] [color=wheat][sup][b][color=BurlyWood]L[/color]OCATION - [color=BurlyWood]DORM ROOM[/color][/b][/sup][/color] [color=wheat][sup][b][color=BurlyWood]I[/color]NTERACTIONS - [color=BurlyWood]BROTHER BEAR {VIA TEXT [@McHaggis]}[/color][/b][/sup][/color] [u][b][sup][url=http://coolspotters.com/files/photos/742396/lily-collins-and-burberry-oversized-check-temple-sunglasses-gallery.jpg][color=wheat][color=BurlyWood]O[/color]UTFIT[/color][/url][/sup][/b][/u] [/center][hr][hr] There was a loud laugh errupting from the inside of the red Ford Fiesta, the driver enjoying a nice ride through the somewhat empty roads with [i]nice[/i] weather. Mariana rolled down the car window, leaning back comfortably against the cushions of the car with one hand firmly gripping the steering wheel while the other was used to gesture as she sung along to Halsey blaring through the almost busted radio. It was a bright and wonderful, serving to only further Mariana's good mood as she approached closer and closer to Olympus Academy. She was officially starting her third year at the Academy for the children of the Gods, and she couldn't be any more excited for it. She'd always found the academy to be a positive place to have fun and relax as much as a place where she could safely practice her powers as a demi-goddess. Mariana wondered whether this year she was going to be able to see Apollo again. She'd barely seen him during her second year at the academy, and the times he had visited was always like a brief catch-up. But Mariana never complained. He's a God, it was understandable, right? The car slowed to a stop as she drove past the open gates of the academy, driving into the car-park before parking in her usual spot - the spot she'd claimed for the past year since she'd gotten a car. , the engine cutting with a low hum before complete silence. The car was definitely an old one, second hand with many scratches along it's dark red paint - a birthday gift for a girl turning eighteen. Despite the ruggedness, Mariana still loved it. It was her own, and something she'd cherish as a gift from her grandparents. Gifts didn't come all that often in the Dixon household, mainly because of how little money there was in the first place. Both adults were retired citizens, who had no reason to be taking care of a teenaged girl, but here they were. To see the campus grounds so nearly empty surprised Mariana. After the day she'd had, she almost expected the campus to be filled with teens and young adults, ready to start the new academic year at Olympus Academy. Before leaving her car, she hunted for her phone in the [url=http://images.asos-media.com/inv/media/0/5/7/0/6130750/image2xxl.jpg]little tote bag[/url] she had tucked away on the passenger seat beside her, pulling out her old phone to check for messages. [color=wheat][i]'Has he not even arrived yet?'[/i][/color] She wondered. She had no idea when Laurel was planning on turning up - if he was planning to anytime soon. [color=wheat][b]TO: Brother Bear[/b][/color] Where are you? I've just arrived at the Academy and it looks like no one is here 😭 😭 Sending off the text, she tucked her phone back in before leaving with her bag and two cases filled to the brim with books and clothes. The apartment block looked like a disaster from the outside (so... bright...) but it had been her home for the last two years - and would be for years to come. Plus the rooms were much better anyway, they were spacious at least so even if you disliked your roomie it gave you a better chance to hide out most of the time. Mariana dragged her case into the elevator, pressing the button leading to the fourth floor as she waited impatiently. She could only hope that she wasn't going to have someone she'd not get along with as a room-mate. That was the [i]last[/i] thing she needed this year. [i]Ding![/i] The elevator doors opened and the first thing Mari did was approached the list of rooming assignments, anxiously checking through the list to find her name - [b][color=wheat]"4-D... Vincent Monogan..."[/color][/b] Poseidon's son? Okay, not bad. While she didn't know him, she hadn't heard anything [i]bad[/i], so it had to be okay right? Either way, she'd figure things out later whenever he arrived. Firstly, she [i]had[/i] to choose the best room. [i][color=wheat]Here we go...[/color][/i]