"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep" - Robert Frost [b] General Characteristics[/b] Name: Asha Hartwell [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/41b328234047186b8b28d6b9593b9dda/tumblr_n93p1ordl41siduzeo1_500.jpg[/img] Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX8tFvInN3Y[/url] Personal Characteristics Birth Date: May 27th, 1997 Age: 19 Birth Place: Ireland, traveler camp Desires: To find where she belongs, where she truly fits in. Secrets: She suffers from seizures caused by strange visions and how she got her scar. Quirks: Asha hums when she gets nervous, and she swims to clear her mind. [b]Mental Characteristics[/b] Known Languages: English Lures: Travel and freedom. Savvies: Asha is very familiar with nature, and it seems to be familiar with her. Temperament: Melancholic-choleric Hobbies: Reading, drawing, swimming, playing with tarot cards, and daydreaming. [b]Philosophical Characteristics[/b] Morality: Asha has a clear sense of what is right and wrong, but she operates in the gray area in between. Perception: The glass is half empty, but I know other things could be put in there to fill it. [b]Spiritual Characteristics[/b] Religion: Catholic Virtues: Charity, Kindness, and patience. Vices: Lust and envy (Does your character exhibit Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Envy, Wrath, or Despair? Only the 8 listed should be used, and only the ones whose opposites are not listed above should be used.) [b]Supernatural Characteristics[/b] Ability: TBD [b]Likes and Dislikes[/b] Likes: Books, travel, cigarettes, nature, animals, and the unknown. Dislikes: Being alone, big dogs, and heights. [b]Apparel[/b] Wardrobe: She wears a lot of bright colors, and everything is usally extremely flowy. [b]Social Characteristics[/b] Emotional Stability: It takes a lot to anger her, but she's still very sensitive. Humor: She thinks bad jokes are the best, especially ones that don't make any sense. Reputation: Honor is well respected and liked by other travelers, they see her father in her. Status: Respected [b]Immediate Family[/b] Mother: Rachel Hartwell, 48 Father: Cain Harwell (Deceased) Sister: Justice Hartwell, 18 Brother: Lyon Hartwell, 19 Sister: Tallis Hartwell (Deceased) Sister: Avala Hartwell, 26 Brother: Alexander Hartwell, 12 Sister: Serenity Hartwell, 6 Brother: Camus Hartwell, 28 Brother: Richard Hartwell, 3 [b]Interpersonal Relationships[/b] Friends: All of her siblings, Piper Livington(another traveler), and Felix Payne(the spoiled son of a wealthy businessman). Heroes: Her father Pets: A smokey gray cat with three legs, a nub for a tail, and a missing eye. His name is Ugly. Rivals: Lyon, her twin brother [b]Physical Characteristics[/b] Height: 5'5" Weight: 117lbs Nationality/Species: Irish/Human Skin: Lightly sunkissed Hair Color: Dirty blonde Hair Length: Long Eye Color: Hazel Scars: Little ones on her thighs. [b]Tattoos[/b] Right thigh: Two black bands, for the family members she's lost. Left thigh: An intricate dreamcatcher. Back: A beautiful, flowering tree. Ribs: The tarrot card representing change. [b]Health and Fitness[/b] Addictions: Cigarettes Handicaps: Seizures [b]Sexual Characteristics[/b] Gender: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Significant Other: N/A [b]Personality[/b] Anima: She is quiet and reserved. Extremely curious. Overly caring. Persona: Strong and sure, almost cocky at times. She is loud and proud.