"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep" - Rober Frost General Characteristics Name: Honor Robichaux [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/03/9c/7c/039c7c548a11a215ce60dff1ac0ebe7c.jpg[/img] Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3-t1jFmo0[/url] Personal Characteristics Birth Date: May 20th, 2098 Age: 21 Birth Place: Raventon Desires: To no longer be an Outsider, to live a life without struggles. Secrets: A captive Elite taught her to read, and in return she set him free. Quirks: Honor hums when she gets nervous and she swims to clear her thoughts. Mental Characteristics Known Languages: English Lures: The shiny Elite lifestyle. Savvies: Survival, nature, and fighting. Temperament: Melancholic-choleric Hobbies: Reading, swimming, hunting, setting things on fire. Philosophical Characteristics Morality: Honor has a clear sense of what is right and wrong, but chooses to operate in the gray. It's easier that way. Perception: The glass is half empty, and always will be. Spiritual Characteristics Religion: Atheist Virtues: Charity, Kindness, and patience. Vices: Lust, envy, and wrath (Does your character exhibit Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Envy, Wrath, or Despair? Only the 8 listed should be used, and only the ones whose opposites are not listed above should be used.) Supernatural Characteristics Ability: Fire manipulation Element: Fire Likes and Dislikes Likes: Books, Elite culture, water, basking in the sunshine, fire, and nature. Dislikes: Elites, the dark, Raventon, dogs, and heights. Apparel Equipment: Her only equipment is a part of a broken dagger that once belonged to her father. Wardrobe: She wears a lot of dark colors, and most of her clothes are ripped. Social Characteristics Emotional Stability: It takes a lot to anger her, and she's usually very calm. Humor: She loves poorly told jokes, but she really doesn't have a sense of humor. Reputation: Honor is well respected and liked by other Outsiders, they see her father in her. Status: Respected Immediate Family Mother: Angelic Robichaux, 48 Father: Rhett Robichaux(Deceased) Sister: Justice Robichaux, 18 (Taken) Brother: Lyon Robichaux(Deceased) Sister: Liberty Robichaux(Deceased) Sister: Rebel Robichaux, 26 (Taken) Brother: Alexander Robichaux, 21 (Taken) Sister: Serenity Robichaux, 6 Brother: Cain Robichaux, 28 Interpersonal Relationships Friends: All of her siblings and Harrison(the Elite that taught her to read) Heroes: Her father Pets: A smokey gray cat with three legs, not tail, and a missing eye. His name is ugly. Rivals: Cain Physical Characteristics Height: 5'5" Weight: 117lbs Nationality/Species: Human Skin: Porcelain Hair Color: White blonde Hair Length: Shorter, stops right above her shoulders Eye Color: Ice blue Scars: She's covered in them, but the most noticeable one is one that starts at her lower back and snakes its way up until it ends between her breasts. Tattoos Right thigh: Three red bands, for the family members she's lost. Left thigh: An intricate mandala that represents how everything in life is connected. Back: A strong yet leafless tree with gnarled roots, to represent that she is strong despite being stripped of everything Palms: Flames, to represent her control of fire. Fingers: Each finger has two black diamonds that seem to shimmer, meaning will be made clear later on. Health and Fitness Addictions: None, as of now. Handicaps: She walks and runs with a slight limp Sexual Characteristics Gender: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Significant Other: N/A