[i]We are getting a little more and more towards an OOC. Making things up from the bottom here, so it's a little more difficult. Something that came to my attention is not wanting to split up the group at all, which would happen if a few people are from one land and a few are from the other- you may never interact; and that kind of defeats my original want of having a big hearty group. This is where I am going to have you guys vote of which area you would like our group to focus on. Your character can be originally from any of the locations but is now situated in this one area. A plot is slowly being developed so things will come more into play as my dumb head thinks of things.[/i] [b]VOTES:[/b] 1) The City: 1 2) The Mountain: 1 3) The Sea: 4) The Forest: 5) The Desert: [i]Each of the areas have their own leading family, bastard name, etc etc that I want to expand on and am working on- but if something interest you just as you guys start thinking of characters, let me know and I'll try to tell you what I have so far :) [/i]