[h1][i][color=6ecff6][center]Elizabeth Hawthorne[/center][/color][/i][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Southeast Wilderness Area Interacting With: Danica Graves [@Lady Amalthea][hr][hr][/center] Ellie looked over to the woman weakly as she approached, panting as she tried to respond, [color=6ecff6]“If you mean the one with shredded tents, no I wasn't, I was...getting ready to head back into town when...some guy in a horned costume or something attacked me,”[/color] She spoke in shallow breaths, trying to explain the situation fully, [color=6ecff6]“I managed to lose him, then...some other psycho bit me.”[/color] She finished, wincing and grunting as the hoodie was tied around arm. She noticed the woman being interrupted by something ailing her and couldn't help but be concerned, though she was the injured one, [color=6ecff6]"Hey, you alright?”[/color] Ellie inquired, wincing once more when she was helped up. She was grateful for the help, Ellie knew with all this chaos going on, some people weren't likely to help those that were injured, just human nature to preserve one's self. [color=6ecff6] “Yeah, I agree, the sooner we get out of these damn woods, the better, not that being attacked isn't just so enjoyable, but it's not what I had planned for a workout.”[/color] Ellie responded in a sarcastic and weak chuckle, not that she found the situation particularly funny, just her natural sarcasm loved to rear it's head even in the most dire situation, also it helped distract her slightly from the pain. Ellie continued to notice the woman keel over slightly once more, not sure what was impeding her, though not that she could exactly try and help, besides the fact that she was injured, medicine was her area of expertise or she probably would've done something for her own injuries. [color=6ecff6]“The name's Elizabeth, Ellie if you prefer.”[/color] She responded back, not bothered with being called red, but she figured it'd be best that the woman helping her at least knew what to properly call her.