[hider=Kenichi Yamazaki] Name: Kenichi Yamazaki Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Kenichi is a large and muscular young man. He stands at 6'4" with a muscular build from metalworking his entire life. He has scraggly, but short black hair and usually wears a black tank top, cargo pants, and a jacket. [hider=Face] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/psychopass/images/0/0e/Kogami_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20141220221752[/img] [/hider] [hider=History] Kenichi Yamazaki has lived in Hinasho his entire life, and is well versed in the traditions and customs of the small town. His family owns a garage/smithy between the bustling north and Hinasho where people come to have their mechanical issues resolved. The building itself is a two story building with a large back lot with piles of scraps and junk. Kenichi himself has always been a large boy. Being the tallest kid by far until high school, and a lifetime of working in his family's garage gave him a hulking and intimidating figure. It wasn't until the age of ten, however, that Kenichi discovered the true disparity between him and other children. As a child, Kenichi was always the moderator for the kids being the most calm and biggest. This did not mean that Kenichi did not join in with the youthful roughhousing every so often. One day, when playing with his friends, he accidentally placed another child into a choke hold. In his youthful exuberance, he nearly choked the boy to death, and it wasn't until the boy went limp in his arms that Kenichi realized what he had done. Acting quickly, he managed to get the boy to a nearby house with the gaggle of other boys following him in fear. The boy was alright in the end, and both he and his family forgave the young boy but Kenichi was horrified with himself. From that point on, Kenichi began to drown himself in his work, rarely leaving his house except for school, only for him to leave immediately at the bell. Slowly, he cut off all the outside relationships he had developed as a child, worrying his family. He took on martial arts as a means of controlling his strength, giving a means to gauge his strength and a way to release pent up strength. During his teenage years, he grew even more surprising everyone. The clumsiness, added with his strength, caused him to have many accidents in his life, often causing others minor harm or annoyances. Whenever that happened, he would feel immense guilt and attempt to apologize profusely for his actions. Now, nearing the end of his school career, his isolation has only gotten stronger with Kenichi often skipping school to avoid others. He spends the time wandering the town, helping those he comes across.He has even managed to become a minor legendary figure, the hulking, but gentle and handsome ogre who has locked himself away from the world. [/hider] [hider=Personality] A defining characteristic of Kenichi is his self-control. Everything he does is measured, from his movements to his emotions. The other two are related, a fear and self-loathing of himself. He believes himself dangerous to others, a mentality he developed from a traumatic childhood event that only he really cares about, and reinforced by the clumsy and gangliness of puberty. When he interacts with others tries to be as short and concise as possible, often coming off as cold and aloof, even scary at times. His face is often schooled into a calm and emotionless mask, hiding his inner emotional turmoil. Beneath the control, guilt, and loathing lies a caring and compassionate heart that wants nothing more than to be with his friends. He is loyal beyond reason for those he considers his friends, and would follow them to the ends of the Earth if he had to. He would drop everything if his friends needed him too. In a way, he's a rock. Cold and hard, he is will always be their if you need something to lean on or protect you from the elements. [/hider] Stats: Lv: 1 HP: 110 SP: 30 Str: 6 Mag: 4 End: 7 Agl: 3 Luck: 3 [hr] [hr] Persona: Guan Yu P.Appearance: Guan Yu is a large transformer like robot, standing taller than 9 meters tall. He is ruddy faced and has a long wire beard that reaches his chest. His body is green tinted and is armed with a glaive taller than as he is. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.chinadailyasia.com/attachement/jpg/site441/20140728/1406519929043_148.jpg[/img][img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Bv-tMEEA--/18lupnjon2aitjpg.jpg[/img][img]http://www.lookforart.nl/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Jiefang_Transformer_02.jpg[/img] [/hider] Arcana: Strength Weapon: Glaive (polearms)-Street sign with a rectangle sign Persona: Guan Yu Skills: Str: 3 Mag: 2 End: 4 Agl: 2 Luck: 2 Absorb: Slash, Light Resist: Weak: Spell List (Cost): Media (3 SP), Rakuaja (12 SP), Cleave (5%) [/hider]