"I was stuck Jackie... I didn't want that to happen, I didn't even want to go where I did, But the TARDIS was dragged and I go stuck. I thought I was going to die, Time Lords weren't even welcome where I was," He was a bit angry with her. "I stayed alive for her!! I tried to not give up, I was constantly trying to find the quickest way out, I could have been stuck there for 50 years had I not." The Doctor was looking exhausted and upset. "I shouldn't even be alive, the air itself could have killed me. Though at least Rose was here and not there, I would have lost her and I wouldn't know what to say to you then." "I'm so so sorry." the Doctor replied. He didn't think he could get Jackie to understand. He was just happy to be back with Rose. He smiled tiredly looking at his companion "The TARDIS missed you too Rose," He mumbled randomly. He knew that he would need to get some sleep soon; It had been a hard few days getting out of that place. He had been so worried that he wasn't going to see Rose again. "I am sorry I put you through all that Rose, Oh had I know I would get pulled away and stuck that day I wouldn't have left." He closed his eyes a bit " I know you just got to see me after a year, But I really need some rest, I feel like I am going to collapse. I haven't slept in a few days."