[center][h1][color=868324]Sensei[/color] Genesis: Sanctuary Pyre[/h1][/center][hr] As the video message came to an end and the HUD disappeared from his screen, Sensei's mind raced with countless thoughts, but one stuck out from the rest for some reason: [i][color=868324]Woohoo! Screw you, level cap![/color][/i] A confident grin came across his face as he realized the purpose of the group. They were going to work together to take down the largest terrorist group in history! Well, either that, or they would become one of the hundreds of thousands killed by the psychopaths. Still, in this moment, he was sure that their names would go down in history as heroes. Some would call it naivety, but James would prefer to call it something that most Elysium servers lacked these days: hope. Well, perhaps it was hope inspired by something else, a particular statement that their UN agent had spoken. [i]"The UN has promised you all anything you want as reward for your cooperation..."[/i] [i][color=868324]Hey, I'm more than just a greedy pig, of course I want to help take down these terrorists,[/color][/i] he told himself, as if some part of him was scolding himself for his askew motives. [i][color=868324]I just also know the value of having friends in high places.[/color][/i] Truth be told, his martial arts studio had been seeing a decline in customers as of late; it seemed that not many in his county were too interested in self defense of any form. With a bit of financial assistance, he could launch a full, nationwide franchise and teach across the United States. Or he could just ask for enough money to ensure that he would never have to work a day in his life again! Nevertheless, he decided to put his personal issues aside and focus on the task that the group had been given: capturing the terrorist leader Mayhem and tracking down a player known as Minxy. Both sounded like difficult tasks, and he knew that in action, they would prove to be even more difficult. Still, he hoped to be an asset in both assignments, given how his general lack of weapons made him easily approachable by allies and underestimated by enemies compared to most players in his personal experience. As he thought this, he speculated that getting to know his allies would be just as difficult as taking down his enemies. Ever since R3v314t1on took over the Elysium servers, most had become withdrawn, understandably unsure of who to trust. This worked to a disadvantage to people like James, who preferred to know what cards his allies had up their sleeves to figure out how to use them best. Those who met him wouldn't expect for such a "beat 'em up" style player to be such a strategist, but he considered that assumption to be another card up his own sleeves. For now, his goal was to learn how the others in his group would react in battle, to get a glimpse of their fighting styles and how they would benefit or clash with each other, and for that to ever happen, he needed to gain trust between them all, the strong and steadfast trust of a team united. Deciding to take the first steps in doing so, he stepped forward and began to introduce himself to the group, as Watcher had done before him. "[b][color=868324]Well, let's get pleasantries out of the way ASAP, it'll probably save us some time later. Hey guys, I'm Sensei, but most of my friends just call me James. You all can call me whatever you feel like calling me, just as long as you do it while we kick some terrorist ass![/color][/b]" Punctuating his last phrase with a fist pumped into the air, he smiled and stepped back to where he had been standing before, excited to get the assignment underway.