[color=lightgray][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjUzZGY3My5TRzl1WlhrZ1JXMWxjbk52YmcsLC4w/gelio.retsina.png [/img] [img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25800000/Logan-logan-lerman-25876312-500-202.gif[/img] [sup][color=olive][b][u]L[/u]OCATION:[/b][/color] CAR → DORMS (4-G)[/sup] [sup][color=olive][b][u]I[/u]NTERACTION:[/b][/color] “the clingy one” via text [@lovely complex]; “dickface” via text [@McHaggis]; mention of Dustyn [@MissCapnCrunch]; mention of Abe [@Altered Tundra][/sup][/center][hr][hr] Fuck, Honey hated Utah. Hot air breathed into the truck’s open window, warming the back of his neck and making the vehicle seem entirely too small. Honey was from Florida, he was used to heat, but not like [i]this[/i]. The sun felt dry and harsh; it caused his back to itch and Honey lazily stretched back into the truck’s seat, rubbing it against the uncomfortable material of the driver’s seat to scratch it. It was nearly nine in the morning and Honey had been laying in his truck for the past two hours, watching as student’s passed by him. He was reclined backwards, only the top of his head and his eyes peering from the window, and so most students didn’t even see him as they stopped to fix their teeth in his mirror. [color=darkolivegreen]“Fuck.”[/color] Honey mumbled, glaring at the car door as if that would make his problem go away. First days were so annoying, beyond annoying, and Honey was stalling from joining the rest of the students at Olympus Academy. That, and his ass was numb from driving for thirty-five hours with only one stop for rest. Honey’s pale hands scrubbed at his face, wishing the greasy sluggish feeling away – the feeling that one gets after a too-long, unexpected nap or when one has been half-awake for too long, not quite asleep but not quite awake. The Southern boy’s hand twitched and stuttered when he flicked the lock on his door open, mentally preparing himself to have to deal with [i]people[/i]. As if God – or perhaps just Artemis – had answered his prayers, Honey’s [url= http://static.wixstatic.com/media/0cf94c_f81072eff86540ddb1b2170ac6f75481.jpg_srz_500_500_75_22_0.5_1.2_75_png_srz]shark-encased phone[/url] vibrated against his thigh with the generic ringtone that came with it. [quote][center][b]From: [color=#FBEC5D]the clingy one[/color] [color=#FBEC5D]My brother just compared me to Skye! Ugh. I’m so annoyed. Hey, what room are you!? :D[/color][/b] [/center][/quote] Honey’s lip quirked upwards in a silent thanks to Cecily. His fingers quickly typed out a response, only half thinking of what he was writing and not really paying attention to anything in particular. Next to him, a car swerved into parking and Dustyn climbed out to inspect herself in the mirror – quickly, Honey ducked down in his seat and prayed to Cecily’s father that he wouldn’t be seen. Not that Dustyn would give him a hard time, she was actually pretty easy to shake as he just had to ignore her and then [i]poof![/i] she’d leave, but he still needed a moment of peace and silence before dealing with the outside world. Honey hit send on his phone and hoped that Cecily would text him back real quick. [quote][center][b]To:[color=#FBEC5D]the clingy one[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]drag him. rm 4-G[/color][/b][/center][/quote] Honey blew air out of his mouth, tapping his phone against his leg as if that would make the text message come quicker. When five minutes came and go, Honey had opened and closed his weather app no less than eight times (79 °F, 46 % Humidity, Clear skies) and had taken five separate pictures of that one annoying fat cat in Neko Atsume (why did it always have to eat all the food? that sashimi stuff was expensive). The fifteen minute mark came and Honey reluctantly opened the door, shouldering his bag as his booted foot stepped onto the concrete. His phone buzzed in his pocket. [color=darkolivegreen]“You fucking kidding me?”[/color] Honey grunted, slamming Dorothy’s door shut and fishing the phone out of his zip-up hoodie. [quote][center][b]From: [color=f37822]dickface[/color] [color=f37822]u+me sprtn race ill fite u x[/color][/b][/center][/quote] Honey stopped walking, his feet planting on the sidewalk. The worst thing was getting texts from Laurel Price – who got his phone number Lord knows how – not just because they were so antagonistic but because it was like trying to read hieroglyphics with a morse code book. Okay, so: you plus me sprinting(?) race I’ll fight you and that insufferable x thing he does. What sprinting race? Honey stared at the text message for a good half a second before he realized it was supposed to be Spartan. God, this hurt his head. Should he even reply? Honey didn’t want Laurel to be encouraged by him texting back, but there was a competitive itch that Honey damn well couldn’t ignore. [quote][center][b]To: [color=f37822]dickface[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]doesnt it take more effort to type like a dipshit?[/color][/b][/center][/quote] Honey began to walk again. The dorm building loomed ahead of him and people were milling in and out casually, suitcases and boxes filling their arms. Honey stood on the edge of confliction, wanting to go in and sleep in his bed, but not wanting to chance any encounters with someone he knew. Honey opened up his phone again and sent one more message: [quote][center][b]To: [color=f37822]dickface[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]ill destroy you[/color][/b][/center][/quote] With conviction [s]come on Honey, you little wuss, Laurel would have no problem doing this – what’s the worst that could happen[/s] Honey pressed his hands against the cold glass of the dorm building and pushed it open. Just in case anybody he knew [i]was[/i] lurking around, Honey ducked his head down with his hood up and slipped into the back of the elevator. Said elevator was practically empty except for three or four people and Honey mentally cheered: you did it you little shit! And then someone called for them to hold and somehow Honey ended up squished between a titan of a person and Dionysus boy who spelled like vomit. To make matters worse: Cecily, [i]the bitch who could have saved him from this hell with a simple text message[/i], and her brother slipped into the elevator. Honey shrugged his shoulder up and scrunched his body down, hoping she wouldn’t chance a glance behind and see him. The elevator jolted upward and when they hit the first floor, Honey felt himself grow more and more uncomfortable. An Aphrodite girl (she had to be an Aphrodite, being that beautiful) was pressed against his back, sandwiched between him and the fucking titan and it incredibly uncomfortable. Honey blamed Cecily – if she had texted him, he could’ve gotten onto an empty elevator. Out of spite, Honey reached as far as he could and pinched Cecily’s backside before quickly withdrawing – he pointedly ignored the sharp glance from vomit-breath whose mouth was breathing down on Honey. Cecily deserved it. Honey lingered in the elevator when everyone left, waiting till it was empty before he surged forward with his bag and wandered down the hall. He walked with his shoulder pressed against the wall, trying to maintain a distance from the students rushing back and forth up and down the corridor. It was with relief that he entered his dorm. Honey didn’t dawdle – he barely spared the other room a glance, but instead immediately went for the room in the back, farthest away from the entrance. The bed looked untouched and everything was silent – his roommate wasn’t here, thank god. But there came another dilemma: should Honey risk an awkward encounter now or leave and come back when his dorm mate was settled for the awkward encounter? [color=darkolivegreen]“Fuck.”[/color] Honey fell onto the bed, [color=darkolivegreen]“Someone put me out of my misery.”[/color][/color]