[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rp3qIiq.png[/img] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/iw0RjWY.gif[/IMG] [color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] - Helicopter, Dorm 4-D, Dorm 4-G [color=crimson]INTERACTIONS[/color] - Mariana [@Aewin], Hunter [@Apokalipse] [img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0155/9395/files/Divider_large_red_large.png?1590[/img][/center][center][/center] The face of a gorgeous, brunette woman bobbed back and forth energetically on the screen of an extravagant phone, her mouth erupting in a river of words. Between the constant roar of the helicopter’s blades and his own disinterest, Atticus Caesar could not fathom anything his mother’s ruby red lips vomited out over his headphones. [color=pink]“…going to the spa later… manicure… and I’m getting… new furs.”[/color] were words he was able to make out, none of which surprised him. Maria Caesar, mother to the brute of a man, was a self-absorbed woman who cared only about herself and her looks. It was a small wonder the savage Ares took interest in an air-headed bimbo such as herself. Aside from video calls like this, Atticus rarely ever saw his mother nowadays since she was always traveling. In fact, the last time he’d actually seen her in person was last Christmas. Strange, considering how possessive she had been over him when he was a child. In his peripheral view, Atticus’ hazel orbs saw the pilot upfront hold up a hand and give a familiar signal: it was about time to land. [color=crimson]”Mother.”[/color] his gruff, harsh sounding voice ground Maria’s one-sided conversation to halt. [color=crimson]”I have arrived. See you later.”[/color] Without saying a proper, loving goodbye, the man ended the call with a simple touch of his finger. His right hand firmly grasped the railing next to him and easily slid the helicopter’s cabin door open, revealing the stunning sight of Olympus Academy’s massive campus. This is the home away from home he’d known for the past decade. [color=crimson]”4-G.”[/color] Atticus barked at the pilot. Wind billowing through his cropped hair, the student dormitory came closer and closer. Every student near a window could see the copter approach the building, perhaps just a bit too close for comfort. If they didn’t see it, then they certainly heard the loud scream of the rotors. Hovering just outside what the pilot assumed was Apartment 4-G, Atticus observed the gap that stood between him and the balcony. It was a fair distance, although not unwarranted since the pilot needed enough space to let his blades spin. His head bowed down, glaring at the students funneling into the main entrance. A fall from this height definitely would kill him, but he wasn’t about to play it safe. The hulking man grabbed a heavy rucksack from in front of him, stood up, and prepared to make his boundless leap. A deep breath and a short running start later, Atticus’ bulky form hurled through the air and easily landed on his living quarter’s bare balcony. The tall man dusted off his elegant threads before hoisting the rucksack over his shoulder. Behind him, the copter’s engine rumbled and made its leave. No heed was paid to the leaving chopper, and his legs carried him over to the glass sliding door, which he attempted to pull open. However, the door did not simply open; it seemed to buckle under his strength and completely fell off the rails that kept it upright. Growling lowly to himself, the Sanguine Son rolled into the apartment, finding it to be as comfortable as they always were. [color=crimson]”Cursed door…”[/color] he muttered with a seething attitude, his heavy feet stomping through the living room and towards the first bedroom he could find. He had been alerted that his roommate would be a man named Hunter, someone Atticus scarcely knew, but someone he would subjugate if they were a problem. However, the brute did not find a man in this first room… He found a woman. Atticus leered at the average-sized brunette for a good minute, quizzically quirking a single eyebrow. She was quite a sight with her frazzled hair and hour glass figure, something that definitely appeased an inner hunger within the bestial man. There was no clear expression of his appreciation for her beauty scrawled upon his face though, although his eyes did seem to widen a little. After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally spoke. [color=crimson]”…They gave you a faulty door. Call maintenance.”[/color] With that though, Atticus turned his back to the unnamed woman and proudly strode out of the mistaken apartment. A few doors down and the lug finally arrived at his proper residence. Like the other apartment, it was spacious and clean, although it certainly lacked the decadence of his Monacan mansion. Nonetheless, it would suffice. The room he headed toward, again, had another in it, but this time it was the person of the appropriate gender, muttering something about ending his misery, as if he were some kind of wounded animal. [color=crimson]”I shall grant you a swift death, if you so desire”[/color] he stated casually, his hazel eyes digging daggers into the scrawnier man. It was very clear that Atticus thought Hunter was being serious about wanting to die, for no sooner than the larger man spoke, he already had drawn a vicious looking dagger from his rucksack. [color=crimson]"There is no better person to lose your life to than the Sanguine Son himself, so speak your peace if you are ready to die."[/color] a certain arrogance was laced into his voice now, and his heavy feet began to approach Hunter's bed, dagger at the ready.