Oh god... What am I excited for... So I finished Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, first three parts. And... Me and Caden, and my ex Reagan have just been laughing about a lot of stuff related to it. And I'm excited for the game that comes out next week. Like, I don't think anyone can understand how just excited I am. XD This year? Not caring for Star Ocean, nor FF15. I streamed the Platinum demo and complained how combat is just "Hold a button." It is just FF13 without wheels there. Minus strategy. I loved Dark Souls 3, probably my favorite game of the year so far. Though I am excited for Persona 5 next year, I am more so for Tales of Beseria. It just has the Xillia 1 and 2 feel. And I loved those games. Sure Symphonia was great, but it has not aged well. Granted Symphonia was my first, but I will say it isn't my favorite. Graces defiantly was my least favorite. What else... I'm so far just taking my time with the Witcher expansion. And... This is all I'm really hyped for now that I think about it.