[center][H2][color=bc8dbf]AoD[/color][/H2] [H3]Genesis, Sanctuary:Pyre[/H3] Nothing about what was happening now really shocked Angel, she just watched the video with a bit of a giddy smile on her face after the level cap symbol disappeared from above her head and it just got wider when they said that they could request stuff from their employers. "[color=bc8dbf]This is gonna be so fun[/color]" she said with a laugh before flipping over and setting down on the floor when the message ended. Angel fidgeted on the floor letting her clawed feet tap on the ground as she moved her legs, This was much more different than what she had been doing up till this point. Usually is was the procedure where the temporary employer would give her a specific job to do like nuke the team or just heal and she didn't have to worry about any formalities other than the amount she would get payed and if the employer would need to die at the end. Her mind raced with the usual mercenary thoughts but stopped when she realized that this time it is going to be a long-term team. She just smiled and nodded as the two of her teammates introduced themselves and after they finished Angel stepped forward. "[color=bc8dbf]Well I guess it's my turn then...[/color]" Angel said and stepped forward with her metal claws tapping on the ground and gave a small bow to the rest or them. "[color=bc8dbf]I am AoD or H3lix but you guys can call me Angel, I tried to stay out of this whole conflict but now I guess I have to join you guys.... so don't worry, I'll have your back[/color]" She said with a smile and stepped back nervously laughing. This was pretty awkward since she didn't really have teammates even when she started. [/center]