[center][hr][hr][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Reisender[/color][/h1] [hr][hr] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c4bbb3572b19abbb874ba7e13db8e681/tumblr_nsw5gjTQS21snw3iao1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy Parking Lot → His dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Webster [sub]([@smarty0114])[/sub][/center][hr][hr] Parking his car, Alex couldn’t help but think about how much has changed the last few years. For some reason, the moment he enrolled in Olympic Academy his real mom upped the pace on his studies. Delivering more Grimoires and giving more tips on where he could find a hidden clue for a spell. Even after 4 years he often returned to the books he got back when he was but a child. Discovering more. At the same time, nearly every summer his mother had some tickets for some remote part of Denmark or pushed him to do a hike through a part of Germany. Quickly he learned what was behind it, though he was happy that last year his mom chose to send him to Greece. He loved the warm weather. He got out of the old piece of crap car and grabbed his backpack. When he got it, it had looked normal, mundane. Now there was no doubt that he and he alone could have such a strange contraption of belts, cords, and other things. Holding staves, rings, a wand, bottles with strange liquid. The backpack could have come straight from some Wiccan fair. From his trunk he grabbed two suitcases. One noticeably smaller than the other. Those who knew Alex, knew what was in which one. The smallest held his clothes, a small collection. Most of it picked by his step-mom. He wasn’t that good with clothes, but she was. And despite the fact that he often, vocally uttered his disliking of shopping, he was now grateful that he at least had some nicer clothes than the rags he used to walk around in. The other suitcase held even more of his magical items, and raw materials. An entire section of the suitcase was dedicated to herbs, and to his shame he didn’t know the Latin and Greek name of every single one yet. He also wanted to drag along his brazier, but his stepmom forbids it. He wasn’t too happy about that one, but in the car he suddenly realized that he would share his room with someone. And that someone might now be so happy that he was lighting coals and fire in the middle of their room. So again, his step-mom was right all along. Dragging the suitcases behind him, he managed to jam himself in an already pretty packed elevator. Despite the horrendous ordeal to get his luggage near his room, he was ready to open the door with a big smile for his new roommate. Whoever it may be. The sun was shining, he was back from an awesome trip and he had one more year until the serious assignments would start. What could go wrong!? So as cheery as a demi-god could be he opened the room. [color=662d91]“Hello my-“[/color] but the sight of Webster stopped his excitement dead in its track. [color=662d91]“Oh…”[/color]