After Grace's serious talk about her past and everyone that had died, he felt sympathy yet security with her, "i don't think i know exactly what you mean, i never saw anything dark with my own eyes but, lots of bad things happen around me" Marcus sighed, "see i use to study law in school, and i had a group of friends that invited me out one evening. We usually go swim by a river and have a laugh in the summer now and then." Marcus took a deep breath and then swallowed, "well on one particular day we went to the beach,..... whiles swimming my friends found themselves tangled in the seaweed, even i had found myself wrapped up in it, five minutes later when they had all passed away i was released and swam to safety, some thought it was a miracle that i survived but i thought more of it.... that's not the only time where i should have died but others did in my place, but opening up isn't my forte" he smiled softly as he looked at the crowd. [b]No I'll sit here and weigh my options and observe No offense it has been nice chatting with you but crowds seem to increase the chance of disaster where I'm concerned[/b] "well if you're not going then i am not going either, i was a very talkative child back in school, but i am not good at approaching people, you saw how i greeted you earlier" he laughed, "i'm just bad at introductions" he looked around the hall and sighed, "this has turned into a mess to be completely honest" he laughed a little, then looked back at grace "i just wanted to study law and be better than my brother"