[center][h1]Zepp Kisaragi[/h1] Drum Island, Muron Prison [@LokiLeo789][/center] “No need to be so formal, pal. I ain’t quite as uptight as some of the other stiffs in here.” Zepp clapped the guard on the shoulder and turned his attention back to Xerxes. There was definitely something different about the man’s demeanor. Though, whether that was on account of Zepp’s only interaction with the prisoner being in the midst of battle or some more peculiar reason was ultimately unimportant to him. If anyone could see the Marine’s eyes, they might have caught them rolling as Xerxes waxed poetic about time and the afterlife. At least his predilection towards speeches hadn’t changed at all. “Well, at least you’ve come to terms with your next destination. Though, I’m not sure whether you’re gonna get an enjoyable experience out of it.” Zepp retorted as two guards passed by him with a suit prepared for the prisoner. Sure was a quick retrieval, huh? Barely any time had passed since Zepp heard the soon-to-be dead man make his final request. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to pull a fast one on me.” the Captain remarked as the two guards that had entered began to undo Xerxes’ straitjacket. Moving closer, Zepp took hold of the cuffs and slapped the seastone bondings around one of the man’s wrists, allowing him, begrudgingly at least, to put his new tops on. “You make any sudden moves and I execute you right here. I’m sure I won’t hear many objections on that front.” he whispered into Xerxes’ ear, his facial expression in stark contrast with the gravity of his words. The newly appointed Captain of the 99th held the back of the prisoner’s neck as if he were picking up a naughty cat, watching his every move as he got his Sunday best on for execution day. He had considered tearing the suit to bits as soon as it’d been brought over, but decided against it. Ripping up a two-piece suit was kind of a petty jab in light of the situation surrounding Xerxes’ crimes. Once the outfit change was complete and the prisoner’s bindings were once again secure, Zepp let go of the back of the newly-dressed Xerxes and chuckled. “Picked a hell of a time to decide you want to look fancy.” he snarked, nodding at the guards to start moving. The hour of the execution was already drawing near….