[color=f7976a]ANARU KAHURANGI[/color] [s]still doesn't know how to make his words bigger[/s] Marine Ship, just outside Drum Island. [@Ira] [@CannedBread] Anaru sweat as he struck the punching bag over and over again, he needed to do this to distract himself, ever since he left the Conomi Islands, he couldn't stop thinking about his ships exploding, about his men fighting that dragon, and the look of confusion and horror on Ex-Captain Freya's face. he should have known better, as a marine it was his duty to do justice, but throwing away so many lives for a c-list crew, and then being offered a promotion, it was more than he could handle. While in deep thought, Anaru wasn't restraining his punches, and with one blow, knocked the punching bag off its chain, through a wooden wall, and into the ocean. [color=f7976a]"Oh, that was, the third one this week."[/color] Anaru said with a sigh, before shouting through the hole. [color=f7976a]"Sorry about that, again!"[/color] Anaru sat down on the bench, drinking down a large bottle of water, before setting off to find the Vice Admiral. Anaru rolled his neck, and exhaled peacefully, it was stupid of him to worry so much, after this execution, it would be behind him, he'd keep his vow of course, any self respecting gorilla-man would. [color=f7976a]"Haaahahahaha!"[/color] Anaru let out a booming laugh, as he stomped across the ship, to find the Vice Admiral, and the Captain that was on board as well.