[center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/39fb8cd135e3567fed4fcf0b576dae5a/tumblr_ntaq95AHl11rmsoypo1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Skye%20Woodsen&name=MissBrooks.ttf&size=70&style_color=0C85A3[/img][hr][hr][b][u]Location;[/u][/b] On the road → Parking lot → Dorm [u][b]Interacting With;[/b][/u] No one [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Slightly happy[hr][/center][indent][indent]Skye could be seen on the road as he made his way towards the infamous Olympus Academy. The whole drive he was wondering to himself if he really wanted to back for another year or not, often pulling to the side of the road to ponder that decision. With a sigh, he pulled back onto the road and continued his drive. He didn't want to disappoint anyone so he might as well go and just mess with the other kids while he's there. Skye decided to put on his music to take his mind off of things but of course, nothing good was playing on the radio so he just shut it off. He rolled his window down and placed his arm there now as he saw the dorm building within the distance. [color=0C85A3][b][i]'Here we go.'[/i][/b][/color] Skye had thought to himself as he pulled into the parking lot and looked at everyone as they passed. Even though Skye's personality has changed somewhat this year, he still turned his nose up at most people who passed by him, not wanting to be touched. He got out of his car after rolling up the window then popped the trunk with the simple click of a button. Skye grabbed his luggage bags, closed his trunk and wheeled the luggage bags behind him as he entered the building. Of course, there were people waiting for the elevator so he pushed his way through the sea of people to be right there when the doors were to roll open. He managed to get in there managed to hit the number four button as he was assigned to the fourth floor and they was no way he was going to walk the stairs. Though the smell of sweat made him want to do so but instead, he held his nose with his thumb and index finger. As the elevator dinged and the doors rolled open again, Skye exited the elevator, gasping for air as that stench was really unbearable. With a huff and flip of his bang, Skye walked over to his dorm room and opened the door. He could obviously tell that his roommate wasn't there yet because nothing had been touched, which was good for him because he got to claim whichever side of the room he wanted. With a smirk, Skye started to unpack his belongings and such then laid down on the bed, leaving his dorm room door open. He laid there looking up at the ceiling with his hands clasped behind his head.[/indent][/indent]