[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/f6kawcH.png[/img] [h2][i]Sense of Right Alliance[/i][/h2] [img]http://www.cuentacuentospr.com/Content/dynamic/292/Earth-HD-Wallpaper.jpg[/img] [url=http://picosong.com/xPcP/]OOC Theme[/url] [/center][hr] The existence of the supernatural has been sporadically recorded throughout human history. Gods have walked the earth among mankind, allowing them to advance significantly. Some of the largest figures in human history, both of religion and of society, were either men and women of supernatural capabilities, gods, angels, demons or aliens. Some of the greatest achievements mankind has achieved can be attributed to these supernatural beings, though those beings have been sporadically recorded in history with different points of view (Read: Jesus Christ, Vlad the Impaler, etc.). However, ever since the existence of some of them have been discovered by common folk, many times, they would be killed in the various methods that the land's people had in mind at the time being (Read: Salem Witch Trials). And since these times, these beings have kept themselves in the shadows. It wasn't until World War II in which these beings rose from the shadows. Many of them have either heard, witnessed or experienced the atrocities that the Nazis brought to their soil, and many of them, who lived as supernaturals since the Salem Witch Trials, watched as even normal human beings were tried very much as they were themselves, and watched them suffer the most horrific fates imaginable. Superhumans, vampires, werewolves, angels, demons... all of the like, those who were good aligned sought out to unite after witnessing such horrors. A year after World War II ended, bearing witness to the Nazi atrocities and the damage of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Powerbound Alliance was formed. Formed under the leadership of Joseph Morelli, a vampire who was a descendant of the Morelli Family in Italy, the Powerbound alliance flew the Morelli Coat of Arms as their flag, and vowed to never let such atrocities happen under their watch again. Years passed. Wars fought these days had no clear good and no clear evil side to them. Both were culprits, and both were innocent, and attempting to bring an end to the war would only cause more bloodshed. So in the next many years, the Powerbound Alliance stayed in the shadows while the many wars were being fought all around the world. And in those years, the numbers of the Powerbound Alliance dwindled as heroes either died or left. The only thing that was acted upon in any substantial degree was a failed attempt to defend the Kurdish populations of Iraq against Suddam Hussein's genocidal campaign, as well as a failed attempt to protect Sudanese civilians from that of genocidal militias and the Sudanese Government. It wasn't until 2014, however, when the Powerbound Alliance took any real action. There it was on the news. Kobani. Under the attack of the Islamic State. A few hundred poorly-armed and poorly-trained Kurdish men and women, up against thousands of jihadis, a bunch of tanks and plenty of vehicles. The situation looked hopeless. The Islamic State has already slaughtered anyone in their wake, causing nothing but pain and bloodshed to anyone that even looked at them wrong. No one was handling this right. The Americans and Europe, already tired of Iraq and Afghanistan, don't want to go to another ground war. Turkey is supporting ISIS due to its massacring of the Kurdish population. Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states are supportive of ISIS as well and Russia, Iran and Syria have their own goals to attend to. No one was going to do anything. It was then that the Powerbound Alliance decided that they will stop this at once, regardless of what happens next. And at that point, the Supernaturals of Good had their calling. The defense effort was a success. The local population was safe, the Kurds had minimal casualties, and the Islamic State was pummelled away from the city. While the media, the Kurds and many others attribute it to airstrikes, and while it was true, before the airstrikes, it was the Powerbound Alliance. With their powers, they were able to tear the Islamic State to shreds. While they were expecting to be killed on the spot by the Kurds they were supposed to help, the YPG unit that was defending Kobani at the time, the 32nd, embraced them with open arms, as they were the answer to their prayers. Many of the 32nd saw the Powerbound's powers as gifts from the almighty himself, and together, the Powerbound Alliance and the 32nd YPG Unit kicked some ISIS ass. A lot has happened in the next 12 years. Political revolutions, digital revolutions, and revolutions of science, medicine and the internet, started changing the face of human society. With a sweeping victory of Senator Bernie sanders in the Presidential Election against Donald Trump, and with the political revolution cleaning out house in Congress, change was finally brought to the United States, and as a result, this movement spread across Western Society, as well as other nations as well. Many nations changed for the better. Workers were paid their fair share, equality was becoming less of a dream and more of a reality between races and genders, and the Corporations no longer got away with their misdeeds. And at that time, they learned to pay up just like everyone else. With Citizen's United gone, Democracy was finally a real thing in the United States. Political movements all over the world made similar changes as well in these years. Under the Sanders administration, Kurdistan became independent from Iraq, and with another vote, Scotland became independent from the United Kingdom as well, and both of these nations thrived economically, especially Kurdistan, now that most of their trade embargos were removed. As many nations thrived from political change, others became weaker, more destabilized, or ruled with an iron fist. Venezuela already caved in under the tyrannical rule of a facist regime, and Turkey is bearing a little bit of an uncanny resemblance to that of the Ottoman Empire... still denying the Armenian Genocide and all. Things weren't looking pretty for everyone, not even the Powerbound Alliance. Things were looking well for the Powerbound Alliance in 2026. By then, they have taken over a cartel in Colombia and have seized all of its assets, the 32nd are now a highly-funded mercenary group with very experienced members as a result of the Powerbound Alliance's newfond wealth, the Alliance had many new talented members, and things were looking great. It wasn't until February that the Powerbound Alliance had run into a major bump in their long journey. The Original Heroes have disappeared without a trace, and all that's left of them are the handful of members that signed up after the Cartel was taken over. The Alliance has nearly gone crazy at that point. No one could find any clues. No one could determine what happens next. It wasn't until Vance Allen took control of the Alliance, and ran things from there, where he steered the group into the right direction. And that direction, he decreed that if the Original Heroes are not coming back, we need to recruit new people to help find them. And after months and months of hard tracking, stalking and research, the Powerbound Alliance located their new heroes, and Lisa, who was second-in-command to Vance, wrote all of the letters personally, based on the dossiers on their new recruits. The letters were then sent to all of their recipients, complete with plane tickets to San Diego, where Lisa would meet the new recruits. And from there, she would take them from San Diego to their Sanctuary near Barichara, Colombia, where they will live for the time being. [i]And so, the adventure begins.[/i] [hider=The Universe] [hider=Nations] Quite a few things have changed in that of the world governments. Massive reform was brought to that of Western Nations, especially that of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and Germany, as their people were fed up with the way things were, and demanded change to be made. Corporate welfare were done for, corporation's power over the people and the government was throttled, corrupt politians were impeached and voted out of office, and workers were paid and protected as they should have been. While the people got their rights back, some had them taken away from even more. Surveillance was everywhere, police officers in America were getting rougher and more militarized, and violence was at an increase. However, things didn't go so well for those in countries who aren't as well off as those in the West. While the war in Syria ended, it left the country in such great ruin, that the victorious faction couldn't even bring repairs to it in any way shape or form. A few other nations in the Middle East have crumbled, including that of Kazakstan and Oman. The Venezuelan government has also caved, and was taken over by a right-wing facist party, and quite a few countries in Africa also fell to rebels demanding change. However, Iraqi Kurdistan was granted independence, and was very swiftly under the control of the PUK. Scotland was also granted independence, and so was Somaliland. Tensions are growing in between Kurdistan and Turkey, and things are shifting into the fascist territory in South America. [b]COLOMBIA[/b] Colombia hasn't changed much since 2016, still running under a somewhat flawed democracy with some rigged elections and stuff like that, but people were living contently, despite some of the crime that goes around in the cities and the massive poverty rates that the many people in the country suffer from. For a while, the drug cartels in the country ran the streets, and ran the government as well. People who got involved, either by accident or on purpose, were often maimed, tortured, put into poverty, or murdered with their entire families. Even with police crackdowns, nothing really changed much, except that the Cartels were much less public about what they did. Things changed though when the Powerbound Alliance showed up, where in a few months time, they took control of the many cartels that ran Colombia by destroying their product, severing the head of the snake, and taking all of the cash. By then, the economy of Colombia was starting to recover now that the money was no longer being taken or kept from the people, but many are dissatisfied, and still believe the drug cartels are still running things and hurting people... [b]KURDISTAN[/b] The Kurds finally got their shot of glory once ISIS showed up to their doorsteps in 2012, in both Syria and Iraq. Once ISIS took away swaths of land from the governments of both nations (Iraq was particularly a fucking pussy at the time), the Kurds stood strong, and with their under-trained and poorly-equipped militias, they were able to hold back a whole lot of ISIS advances. Once the Coalition got involved, the Kurds took back huge swaths of land, even land that they lost to Suddam Hussein in the 1980s when he committed mass genocide on the Kurds. After ISIS was pummelled into submission in 2018, Kurdistan was recognized as a country by the United Nations, and the United States under the Sanders Administration. Soon after the country gained its independence, it flourished economically, no longer having to depend on the Iraqi Government for its economy, now able to establish economic ties with so many other countries. However, now that the country saw its power, the leftist PUK party took over the majority of the parliament, and swift changes were made to the country. Kurdistan, to this day, remains as one of the most progressive nations in the Middle East, leading the charge in gender equality, racial equality and worker's rights... though it still has to work on the whole gay rights thing. Now that it is a sovereign nation, the eyes of the world remain on it, and Turkey is cocking its gun... [b]UNITED STATES[/b] The United States saw a great wave of change ever since 2016. With the election being a major clusterfuck, people wanted change, and were tired of being pushed around by both the government and the companies that paid them slave wages and bought out the said government. After overcoming voter suppression, media manipulation and internet trolls, the Bernie Sanders movement prevailed, and after Sanders was elected into office in 2016, the movement continued, and inspired change all around the world. Companies lost their choking grip on the people, and no longer were they able to buy out the government. Alternative fuels and earth conservation efforts were already underway, and the United States saw massive reform. However, as a result, it became somewhat of a nanny state, and with corporate puppets out, government puppets were in, and surveillance became a much bigger thing in the states. By 2026, everyone in the United States was relying on technology someway or another, but thank god the Hipster movement allowed drops in obesity. [/hider] [hider=Technology] Technology has progressed [i]significantly[/i] in the 10 years that came after the first spark of political change. 3D printing became extremely popular, making huge strides in modern medicine, as well as that of building weapons, armor, vehicles, tools and countless of other goods. Holographic computers are in its infancy, but widespread use is to be projected. Virtual Reality machines are very pervasive among those in the west, and while many use much smaller and much more lighter sets of HTC Vive headsets nowadays, people still watch their television and do other things on very flat LCD screens. Nowadays, a whole lot of phones and computers are done on flat and safe pieces of transparent plastic (glass too dangerous), that plastic housing the holographic tech that has yet come to project into thin air. Modern medicine, as a result of 3D Printing and improved medicinal discoveries, has increased the average human lifespan to about 90 years of age, and has made medicine affordable to that of even the unfortunate of populations. Nanotechnology has enabled faster health regeneration, and 3D printing has made organ transplants much easier and much safer. And with the advent of robotic technology as well, handicapped persons are blessed with cybernetics to help them walk again. Wrist-bound computers are used among the military, nicknamed "Swiss Army Knifes", as these wrist-bound computers often come equipped with blades, launchers, lasers and flashlights to aide the user in combat. [b]COMMON DEVICES[/b] Cell phones have become so commonplace in society, landline phones are no longer in use, aside from businesses, organizations and large buildings. Console games are now a more family-oriented product, as PC gaming has slowly taken over the world in the past 10 years. Virtual reality is also commonplace, used in conjunction with PCs, with some owners having entire rooms dedicated to playing in virtual reality. Viruix Omni treadmills are also becoming a thing, with some new technology that allows poeple to game virtually with their whole bodies without having to move from their spot. Some filmmakers have made Virtual Reality movies as well, though they haven't taken off so well. PCs now have insane processing power, and are much smaller now, and are able to render 3D working environments for more advanced users. Like with Virtual Reality, headsets that enable the user to see projected images ahead of them (Google Glass, Microsoft Hololens) are being used for both homes and businesses for many entertaining and useful purposes. 3D printers are also somewhat commonplace in homes now, as they manufacture parts, tools and small objects with ease. [b]MEDICINE[/b] With the advent of 3D printing, research has allowed 3D printers to create new parts for the human body, and allow people to use these parts to heal themselves. While making human clones are still illegal, it's now possible with the best of 3D Printing technology. With the help of this technology, armed forces in most Western countries were able to upgrade their own bodies (tougher bones, tougher skin, etc.) to help them perform their duties. However, most developing nations are still trying this out, but they are successfully implementing it for basic medical needs. With recent changes in Big Pharma under the Sanders administration and the Warren Administration, medicine is now safe to use, and is easily affordable for most people. Cancer treatment has gotten better with the advent of laser technology, and some cancers have already found cures once the grip of Big Pharma was loosened from the government. [b]ENERGY[/b] Alternative energies have been making huge strides all across the globe. Geothermal plants in South America, solar plants in Africa, Wind and Solar plants in Europe and Middle East, and a combination of all three in North America and Asia. Most vehicles are using a much more efficient combustion fuel that doesn't emit as much carbon, as the transition to electric motors are still underway. Homes are using more electricity than gas, as the efficiency of alternative energy sources has significantly increased, with lots of output that powers entire cities almost threefold. It's not too hard to find windmills around the world anymore! [b]WARFARE[/b] Wars nowadays are still being fought with air power, drones and special forces units on the ground, as standing armies are only being used to occupy territory or to show off in parades. However, with the advent of robotic technology, drones and mechs are becoming more popular amongst most industrialized nations, though the riflemen and tanks military type are still seen in use all across the third world, as they still fight the old fashioned way. Most modern soldiers wear complicated uniforms, with lots of armor, electronic gear and such, though some militaries still keep the traditional armor+helmet combination with a few accessories here and there. Most modern soldiers are armed with some special 3D-printed armor that blocks most rifle shots and shrapnel, a ballistic helmet, a pair of HUD goggles, standard mask+uniform for environment, an armbound computer and a tactical gauntlet (with a light, grenade launcher and a knife), and some other protective stuff. As well as their weapons, of course. Though due to how most wars are fought with robots and drones now, all of that tech is only used to demonstrate power rather than use it. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=The Sanctuary] [center][img]http://www.stanhywet.org/sites/default/files/gallery/Manor%20House_0.jpg[/img] The Sanctuary is situated up in the mountains of Colombia, near a small town called [url=http://viajesvivecolombia.com/wp-content/flagallery/santander/barichara.jpg]Barichara[/url]. Its hidden by the forests and trees grown in the area, but it's an otherwise very short drive from Barichara. Bogota, however, is a 5 hour drive away, but a much shorter helicopter flight.[/center] [b][u]The Sanctuary comes standard with:[/u][/b][list] [*] A massive property that is twenty acres, which includes a large training course within the woods, a large open field in the front and in the back, a memorial garden in the back (complete with a large memorial stone for those who passed away, for both Powerbound and 32nd) and a large and long U-shaped driveway that leads to a gate with a guardhouse [*] Fully stocked walk in refrigeration unit with a bullet proof glass door, an equally large pantry situated across from it next to it. All of which is refilled bi-weekly. The kitchen itself is a large room with a stovetop with counter space between the Refrigerator and pantry, large teak wood dish cabinets to the west of the stove. With a large bar behind the kitchen with bar stools only on the outside side of the kitchen. [*] A full media room with a large L shaped leather sofa put together against a wall facing a 80 inch holographic LED TV with full surround sound. Several reclining same color leather chairs that swivel. [*] [b]The living quarters are split into four rooms:[/b] two beds, bathroom, and commons/living room which leads into the hall, bedrooms, and bathroom. ✶ [b]Living Room/Commons:[/b] the commons has a small kitchenette with a microwave, small fridge, steel counterspace with sink set in, and light wooden cupboards and drawers. It also has a small round table with four chairs, all located to the eastern wall. To the west is a small entertainment space with a 30 inch flat screen TV, and three person chocolate brown leather couch. Living room/ commons is a white stone tile floor, and dark cream colored walls. In the living room is a large handwoven rug made locally in colombia. The doors to the bathroom, and bedrooms is located to the south of the room. The exit into the hall is at the south. ✶ [b]Bathroom:[/b] the bathroom is situated between the two bedrooms. There are two stalls for the toilet at the west wall the doors are frosted glass with a silver lock, and handle. Along with a standing shower with dual overhead, and foot showerheads. Orange stone tile with a lip to prevent flooding, a frosted glass door with a silver lock, and handle at the east wall. At the northern wall is a dual sink with a large amount of cupboard space for storing essentials. Dark stone floor, cream walls. ✶ [b]Bedrooms:[/b] The bedrooms have a walk in closet, queen sized bed two white wooden night stands both with lamps. One with an alarm clock that's wirelessly connected to mission control, as to get alerts in emergency. White stone tile floors dark cream walls. A rug between the bed, and closet. The closet door is a sliding wall length mirror. [*] The halls of the house are 10 feet wide 20 feet tall for two story rooms just add another twenty feet to the height. [*] As listed below, there are a few EMP-resistant bunkers situated 100-feet below ground, though they are normally closed off and used for emergencies only. [*] There's a large security room where Manuelo chills out at. It has its own closet where he stores all of his maintenance tools and janitor supplies, and it also has its own weapons locker. Along the walls are quite a few security desks with many screens that monitor the property. Often times they are left alone or have a 32nd member stationed there. When unmanned it will send automatic updates to authorized personnel. [*] A recreation room, complete with pool tables, a few pinball machines, and a few old arcade machines from the 80's. There's also couches with TVs that have PCs (#pcmasterrace), and the latest Viruix Omni treadmills for folks to enjoy their fully immersive VR experiences in. [*] An observation deck, in the tower-like part of the Sanctuary, complete with windows that look out towards the mountains and Barichara. Has a few couches, chairs and bookcases. [*] A fully-stocked library, complete with many bookshelves containing books with lots of information regarding Supernaturals and World History, as well as a few sitting chairs, couches, and a few desks with desktop computers on them. [*] A large garage, complete with many black Range Rover SUVs and a few exotic vehicles. [*] A long, gated private drive with a few older vehicles parked on the side, for use as IED facilitators and covert operations (as exotic vehicles and expensive black SUVs attract attention). The drive is long and leads down into Barichara. [/list][/hider] [hider=Resources] [b]RESOURCES OF THE ALLIANCE[/b][list] [*] Insane amounts of Cartel Monies [*] Some connections all across the globe (that are contacted anonymously) [*] Safehouses in Kurdistan, France, UK, China, India and all across the United States [*] A few [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Sikorsky_s92(Jarvin).jpg ]civilian helicopters[/url], [url= http://howng.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Private-Jet.jpg]aircraft[/url], and lots of [url=http://frogcars.com/wp-content/gallery/2016-range-rover-evoque/2016-Range-Rover-Evoque-colors_Santorini-Black-Metallic.jpg]black SUVs[/url] [*] A shit ton of medicine and medical supplies, as well as 3D printers [*] A massive science laboratory made from a large coke/meth lab in the Sanctuary [*] Functioning EMP-resistant bunkers situated 100 feet below ground, complete with Optical and Finger Scan Locks, Tungsten Steel Doors and Walls. That keeps lots of high end equipment & an armory of top of the line weapons and body armor safe. Used by both the Alliance and the 32nd. [*] Decent hacking capacity, passed onto Kelsey from one of the Original Heroes [*] Quad drones, Satellite Wifi, Infrared and motion sensing Security Cameras [/list] [b]RESOURCES OF THE 32ND[/b][list] [*] Some armed [url=https://img.planespotters.net/photo/326000/original/329-eurocopter-deutschland-eurocopter-ec635-t2_PlanespottersNet_326421.jpg]Eurocopters[/url] (desert schemed, with 32nd emblem - armed with rockets and machine guns) [*] Some unarmed [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Irish_Eurocopter_(EC-135).JPG]Eurocopters[/url] (black, unmarked) [*] Some [url=http://www.defenceweb.co.za/images/stories/LAND/Badger_400x300_DLS.jpg]Badger IFVs[/url] (desert schemed, 32nd Emblem) [*] Some [url=https://21stcenturyasianarmsrace.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/south-african-marauder-mrap.jpg]Marauder APCs[/url] (desert schemed, 32nd Emblem) [*] A few [url=http://cdn5.img.sputniknews.com/images/102357/35/1023573561.jpg]T-90 tanks[/url] (dark black/green camo, no logo) [*] Lots of black [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0W609wVaKvM/maxresdefault.jpg]SUVs[/url] and [url= http://o.aolcdn.com/dims-global/dims3/GLOB/legacy_thumbnail/750x422/quality/95/http://www.blogcdn.com/slideshows/images/slides/377/992/1/S3779921/slug/l/gmc-sierra-all-terrain-x-1-1.jpg]Trucks[/url], some with strobe lights, others without - Some trucks armed with Machine Guns in back [*] All kinds of firearms/weapons/ordnance/equipment - Military-grade shit [*] Quad-drones and some small UAVs [*] A couple of [url=http://www.avionslegendaires.net/wp-content/uploads/images/avion_militaire/Gc160.jpg]C-160 cargo planes[/url] [/list] [/hider] [hr][center][h1][b][i]GENERAL RULES[/i][/b][/h1][/center] 0. [u][b]Listen to GM[/b][/u] - I know this is obvious but my word is [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh_gIxTitMM]law[/url]. However, please do [i]not[/i] hesitate to PM me for absolutely [i]anything[/i], as I am lonely sometimes and I do not want to be a dick. xD 1. [u][b]Have Common Sense[/b][/u] - Rules are same as that on the site. However, excessive cursing is allowed in my book as long as it is IC dialogue. However, please follow all site rules if you don't want to get in trouble. 2. [u][b]Have Respect[/b][/u] - I will not tolerate any rudeness, drama or anything else along those lines OOC. IC drama/disrespect/rudness is cool, especially if you guys work it out OOC amicably. OOCly, please take all of that drama to the PMs instead and work it out. I will have [i]none[/i] of it. Also, if you do have a problem with me, as I said above, please talk to me about it, and I will try my best to get it all sorted out, okay? 3. [u][b]Have Decency[/b][/u] - Please keep all interactions T for Teen, PG-13 or whatever it is in other countries. While I am fine with mature interaction, this site isn't, so I don't want to get banned. Please keep all of the excessive swearing in IC dialogue, and keep all sexual contact to just kissing. Use a timelapse of some sort to skip past mature scenes, and if you guys want to play it out, please play it out via PMs. Also please refrain from using offensive/derogatory terms OOCly as well. 4. [u][b]Have Verbosity[/b][/u] - Please, for the love of [i]GOD[/i], post with at least three paragraphs of non-dialogue/action! Details, descriptions, all of that is absolutely appreciated, we really want to know what your character is thinking, feeling, doing, all of that! The more details you can put in a post, the better. However, do not bloat out posts with actions from other characters, just react to them, and put in what is needed for us to get a good idea of what's going on with your character and what's inside his/her head. [color=B8B8B8]This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game![/color] :D Also collab posts made in between players are totally allowed and encouraged. 5. [u][b]Have Good Attendance[/b][/u] - While I don't want you to check in every single day of the week, that would be appreciated though. Please post at least twice or three times a week. The more frequent, the better. That way we don't have to wait for posts from other characters. I'm a very frequent poster so you don't have to worry about me. However, if you're going to be away from the site for a bit, please let us know ahead of time in the OOC and we'll skip, and let you pick up once you get back. If the RP stagnates, I'll either suggest a timelapse or let people post flashbacks to give their character(s) some more backstory. 6. [u][b]Have Fun! :D[/b][/u] - And please enjoy the RP. If you have any suggestions, questions, comments, concerns, anything, please PM me for whatever reason. I have no qualms talking to people and I would love suggestions for the RP, whether they be for scenarios, villains, and other stuff. Have fun! [b][color=red]In short, please be reasonable and respectful in this thread. That's all. :)[/color][/b] [hr][center][h1][b][i]POSTING RULES[/i][/b][/h1][/center] [list] [*] The storyline progresses when the GM posts. [u]You may not move it forward/off track without [@AbandonedIntel]'s approval.[/u] [*] You can only post when there is [u]at least three posts[/u] in between when you posted, and the next one. [*] You MUST @mention the author that your character is interacting with, so they know who their characters would respond to. [*] Don't just throw someone in that you aren't actually interacting with, and instead are just mentioning them. It confuses people. [*] If you are being interacted with by someone. Actually reply to them don't bloody ignore them... (Don't be a jerk) [*] [b][u]If you haven't posted in more than five days. YOU ARE OUTTA HERE![/u][/b] [/list] All of your posts [b]MUST[/b] follow a similar format in order to easily keep track of the RP and what's going on. Remember to remove the space in between the [ hr], because if I did that myself it won't show up properly below! [hr] Here is the posting format. [b][u][color=red]USE THIS.[/color][/u][/b] REMEMBER TO PUT THE []'s AROUND WHOEVER YOU ARE MENTIONING SO THEY WON'T MISS YOUR POST. IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE BY FAILING TO MENTION THEM, MENTION THEM IN OOC AS EDITED MENTIONS DON'T WORK. [code] [center] [h1][color=???]Character Name[/color][/h2] [img]GIF or image, whatever, please make it small[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Where is your character? Local only, GM will handle set locations. If on a seperate team, add whatever team you're with so we can keep track of who's who. [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: Character - [ @author ]. No colors, just a simple Character and an Author mention. DON'T FUCK UP THE MENTIONS PLEASE. [/center] [ hr] Action. [color=???][b]"Character dialogue."[/b][/color] [b]"NPC Dialogue."[/b] [b][i]*Soft sound effect*[/i][/b] [b][i]*LOUD SOUND EFFECT!!!*[/i][/b] (Note: These are sound effects that are either abrupt or important, you don't have to do every sound effect like that) Bla bla bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla. [/code] [hider=Example] [center] [h1][color=A280FF]Lisa Martinez[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mqdDKLP.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, near helicopter [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: Armando - [@AbandonedIntel] [/center] [hr] Action. [color=A280FF][b]"Character dialogue."[/b][/color] [b]"NPC Dialogue."[/b] [b][i]*Soft sound effect*[/i][/b] [b][i]*LOUD SOUND EFFECT!!!*[/i][/b] Bla bla bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla. [/hider] Have fun, and happy posting! Also... we are pleased to announce that we have... [h1][b][i]Challenges![/i][/b][/h1] In an effort to spice up the RP, make it worthy of a [url=http://tvtropes.org/]TV Tropes[/url] entry and to make it both awesome and hilarious, I implemented a new Challenge system for you guys to complete. Here is how it works. [list] [*] In order to complete a challenge, your character must complete an action below, but it must seamlessly be put in your post. If it was phoned in, it wouldn't count. [*] If a challenge is completed, the challenge would be striked out, and your character (and your author name) would be showcased right next to it. [*] Challenges are sorted by difficulty and chronological opportunity (meaning that the further down you go, the later this challenge would have to be completed). The easiest challenges are at the top. However, the sorting algorithm is not exactly accurate so don't take my word for it too much. [*] New challenges will be posted from time to time, so keep an eye on 'em! [*] Again, remember. Seamless. I will allow opportunities to present itself. [*] Most importantly, think of the consequences some of these challenges might bring when completing them. Complete them at the right time, otherwise bad things just might happen! [/list] [hider=CHALLENGES!!! :D] [h3]Story Challenges[/h3] [list] [*] Sleep through a whole night while allowing Jackson to partake in your dreams [*] When Sivan is on the ground with the team, make sure he gets out without a scratch [*] Vandalize an enemy facility a few hours (or up to a day) before the mission takes place there [*] Survive taking one of Dr. Chaos' new recreational drugs and its effects [*] Convince Dr. Chaos to make the Foam Finger of Death [*] Seduce an enemy of the opposite gender (bonus points if you actually get him/her to join you and date you) [*] Do all of the above, and actually make out/have a one-night stand with said enemy [*] Make a music video [*] Help Nyt and Vega go over their notes concerning time travel or help them test out portals as a "guinea pig" [*] Successfully keep Terror from killing a Villain who's harmed children, long enough to extract information to further a mission anyway [*] Successfully find out the origins of Dr. Chaos (including his real name) [*] Neutralize Grissom with a logic bomb [/list] [h3]Combat Challenges[/h3] [list] [*] Glaze an enemy so Mercury can eat him/her [*] Neutralize a male enemy by punching him in the groin (bonus points if its right after a sexist comment) [*] Neutralize an enemy with a hot restaraunt-grade cooking pan [*] Neutralize an enemy by poking them in the eyes [*] Neutralize an enemy with a guitar [*] Neutralize an enemy with a golf club, while on a golf course [*] Neutralize an enemy with smoke grenades [*] Neutralize an enemy with a door [*] Neutralize a hostile vampire using flashbangs [*] Lock an enemy inside a porta-potty and roll the thing down a hill [*] Successfully use Dr. Chaos' Tactical Disarming Banana to disarm an enemy [*] Successfully use a desk lamp to stop pursuing enemy vehicles [*] Neutralize a villain with sharks [*] Neutralize an enemy with a bookshelf [*] Neutralize an enemy with a book [*] Neutralize an enemy with a box fan/AC unit [*] Neutralize an enemy by making their heads get hit by a ceiling fan [*] Neutralize an enemy with a vending machine [*] Neutralize an enemy with a wet towel [*] Neutralize an enemy with a soup ladel [*] Neutralize an enemy with a jar of piss [*] Neutralize an enemy with a city bus [*] Neutralize an enemy with a steamroller [*] Neutralize an enemy with a zamboni [*] Neutralize an enemy with by knocking him/her on the head with an artillery/tank cannon [*] Neutralize an enemy with one of the 32nd's helicopters without crashing it [*] Lock a prisoner inside the freezer Jurassic Park Style [*] Successfully deploy Thunderchicken into a catapult to be used against the enemy. (Bonus points if it causes chain reaction explosions that ends up destroying a whole lot of enemy property) [*] Neutralize an enemy using Skittles [*] Neutralize an enemy with a boombox [*] Neutralize an enemy with a globe [*] Neutralize an enemy with a cat [*] Neutralize an enemy with a snowball [*] Neutralize an enemy with a butter churn filled with bees [*] Neutralize an enemy with a wet cardboard checkerboard, and chips [*] Neutralize an enemy with Dubstep [*] Slit a target's throat with a piece of paper [*] Successfully decapitate an enemy with a butterknife [*] Neutralize an enemy with a cardboard cut out of Justin Bieber [/list] [h3]Other Challenges / Hilarious Hijinks![/h3] [list] [*] Offend/Trigger Kelsey [*] Play peeping tom on one of the girls [*] Successfully stalk Eddie without her knowing [*] Catch Lisa playing with her toy fighter jets [*] Set someone's alarm tune/ring tune to Jontron's OH MY GOD lion king song [*] Draw new faces on all of Mercury's masks [*] Bet how many times Sivan will fall down while drunk as he's trying to get into a car (Bonus points if you actually win the bet) [*] Spend $1,000 of Powerbound Alliance resource money on F2P games like Clash of Clans or TF2 [*] Spend $5,000 of Powerbound Alliance resource money feeding the CS:GO Skin Insanity [*] Convince Jackson and Lisa to pit their telekinesis against each other [*] Successfully forge documents with a crayon [*] Take a piece of candy away from Mercury [*] Steal Manuelo's klondike bars without anyone noticing [*] Steal the cigarette from Daran's mouth [*] Take 40 cakes away from the freezer and store them somewhere else where no one can find them. And that's wrong. [*] Get Sivan to be sober for a day [*] Get Eddie incredibly drunk without Jackson freaking out (Bonus points if she's more drunk than Sivan) [*] Set Jackson up a blind date (bonus points if its with Sivan) [*] Kiss Vega without getting harmed in some manner [*] Romance Mercury into a kiss and keep your sanity afterwards [*] Win a game of football (soccer) with Sivan as your goalkeeper [*] Give Amarok a bath! [*] Successfully turn a Coke into a Pepsi [*] Remove the firing pins from all of Sivan's weapons [*] Saranade an enemy patrol with 80's synthpop instrumentals (Bonus points if you sing along to them with your own lyrics) [*] Successfully torture an enemy by making them watch [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYMsHndzizw]To Catch A Yeti[/url] [*] Successfully upload porn into the HUDs of high-tech enemies [*] Persuade an enemy to settle things with a game of chess [*] Get your enemies to take a five minute coffee break with you, and have a casual conversation [*] Successfully make an enemy piss his/her pants (bonus points if Supervillain) [*] Successfully make an enemy cream his/her pants (bonus points if Supervillain) [*] Successfully make the supervillain cry [*] Win a game of rock-paper-scissors against an enemy [*] Something, something, something, Light and tentacle porn. [*] Win a game of football (soccer) with Sivan as your goalkeeper [*] Successfully bribe enemies with an odd object of some sort [*] Successfully use the word "Bodacious" without anyone giving you weird looks [*] Launch Mercury from a ballista while he's in honey badger form [*] Make Amarok turn his head towards another character [*] Find a Unicorn (bonus points if you keep it and raise it) [*] Successfully call Daran a "Ciggy Butt Brain" without getting shot at [*] Steal Dr. Chaos' goggles [*] Out-drink Nyt (liquor, but not beer) [*] Out-drink Sivan (and live) [*] Out-eat Mercury in a candy eating contest (and live) [*] Successfully make a reference to The Room without getting any dirty looks [*] Quote anything from the Star Wars Holiday Special without getting shot on sight [*] Have Mercury's masks not insult you when talking to them [*] Seduce an enemy using Skittles [*] Successfully convince Dr. Chaos to sing "Hotline Bling" [*] Successfully convince Dr. Chaos to form a dance team with a few members of the 32nd (bonus points if you make them dance to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1GohlPzy2E]"Goodies" by Ciara[/url]) [/list] [/hider] Also we have [center][color=Gold][u][b][h2]Room Assignments[/h2][/b][/u][/color] [indent][indent]Room 101 Edwina Fairfax & Nyt Årud[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]Room 102 Mercury Abital & Jackson Willis[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]Room 103 Daphne Fairchild & Jennifer Teller[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]Room 104 Marcus Williams & Alexandra Ivanov[/indent][/indent] [/center] Again, have fun, and enjoy the RP! Please PM/@mention me if you have any problems, questions or concerns!