[center][h1][color=red]RED HOOD PIRATES[/color][/h1][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lislJP5.jpg?1[/img] [b]Bogard Sunny x Drum Island [/b] [@BCTheEntity] [@Tmitche23] [@JmerlRobot][/center] [indent] It helped to have crew members that were your senior in a lot of ways. They were, most often than not, capable of seeing the core of what was going on a lot quicker than adolescents like himself. They were a wide well of knowledge and if not for his own, unique, instincts he’d be left behind when it came to most of the Red Hood’s problems. Bogard had acknowledged Fudal’s writing first, so now he stood on Lady Rose, taking in, soaking up, and mulling over their answers. All of them seemed content with going with him. That made him happy. In some of the simplest ways, to know that he had friends he could count on just as much as those on Dressrosa meant the world to him. He felt a kind of excitement bubble up inside of him suddenly, one that urged him to spur the crew on. He turned back towards Drum Island, the winter clouds that loomed over head spoke ill of his chipperness but it also egged them on in some form or manner. With a straight finger, he pointed towards the isle and let the wind take hold of his clothes. [color=red][b] “To hell with what's waiting for us, as long as we have fun while doing it the results doesn't really matter. Maybe we'lll find our first batch of treasure here, I wouldn't mind have gold on the ship.”[/b][/color] he said that last part to no one in particular. [center][b] * * *[/b][/center] Time passed slow and agonizing for Bogard. They had been far too late to avoid notice by the island. But Bogard wasn’t so dumb as to simply plunder his way onto the isle. The Rose Horizon, with all its extravagant glory, docked in the meager harbor of the snow-capped habitat. Few was around to greet them. Bogard pulled his red hood over his features and brought clarity to himself, preparing for the worst possible outcome while accepting the adventure ahead of them. [color=red][b] “Let’s explore a little before heading to Mur-Moron Prison. I think I heard tales of Luffy stopping here along his journey at one point. It’d be nice to stepped in his shoes and see it all too.”[/b][/color] mentioned the blonde as he hurried through the snow with jovial footfalls. [/indent][hr]